[OpenWebNet/BTicino] BTicino MyHOME binding for openHAB

Mine do not behave that way.

If I hit ON they fade up to the dim level last used. Also they remember the rate of fade. Usually that is from the rate I used in the MH202 scenario where I can set the rate. If hit OFF on the wall switch they soft fade to OFF. This does not cause errors.

In my home suite I am using ON/OFF object type dimmer - 100

when you just once sent that command to dimm to a defined level in a defined time then you can just go to your switch an it will switch in the same time to the same level although only a ON command is sent. at least i can reproduce that in my enviroment. even when you switch with an switch-item from openhab the last dimmer level and fading time will be used

Yes, that is how it functions. But I get errors when the command is sent form MH202. I never saw this in OH3.

Yes, that is how it functions. But I get errors when the command is sent form MH202. I never saw this in OH3.

They are Warnings not Errors.

Dim 13 for Who=1 is not even documented in the OWN specs!!!
Later versions of the Own4j lib have a little stricter check on supported/valid dimensions, that is why in OH3 the warning did not show up.

So: if you find what is the meaning of DIM=13 I may decide sooner or later to include in the supported messages.

Otherwise I cannot know how to send an alert for an unsupported/wrong message in another way…

Hi all,

just installed latest milestone build.

New general light groups are working fine but, I’ve a question. I’ve at least one switch that command a NO light device, it is a switch at the end but not a light. Is there any way to exclude that thing/item from the general light group? Maybe the way is using Automation thing although this thing/item is not a roller?


how i can detect general on/off buttons for lights or rollershutters?
i tried to press the button but i don’t read anything in the events log and all the items stay in the last state
i made a small rule for start my cleaning robot when i’m not in the house (all rollershutter closed) it works if u manually close all the shutters but doesn’t get started if i use the general close because all the items stay in the last state and bc the **gGruppoSerrande ** isn’t triggered at all

var deebot = 0

rule "Deebot"
   Item gGruppoSerrande received update
  if (deebot == 0) {
    deebot = 1;
    //logInfo("deebot","ora : {}",now.getHour)    
    if (now.getHour > 7) {
      if (SerrandaBagnoGrande.state == 100 && Serrandabagnopiccolo.state == 100 && SerrandaCamera.state == 100 && Serranda1cameretta.state == 100 && Serrandacucina.state == 100 && SerrandaStudio.state == 100) {
    deebot = 0;

Hi all,
I have been using this binding for more than an year without issues.
Now after updating to 4.2 I cannot see the status of some items and I cannot control other items.
I am using MHS1 + 3x BMSW1005 + 1x BMSW1003

Here my things file:

Bridge openwebnet:bus_gateway:mybridge "MyHOMEServer1" [ host="", passwd="****", port=20000, discoveryByActivation=false ] {
      bus_on_off_switch             s01         "s01"     [ where="01" ] 
      bus_on_off_switch             s02         "s02"     [ where="02" ]
      bus_on_off_switch             s03         "s03"     [ where="03" ]
      bus_on_off_switch             s04         "s04"     [ where="04" ]
      bus_on_off_switch             s05         "s05"     [ where="05" ]
      bus_on_off_switch             s06         "s06"     [ where="06" ]
      bus_on_off_switch             s07         "s07"     [ where="07" ]
      bus_on_off_switch             s08         "s08"     [ where="08" ]

      bus_on_off_switch             s11         "s11"     [ where="09" ]
      bus_on_off_switch             s12         "s12"     [ where="0010" ]
      bus_on_off_switch             s13         "s13"     [ where="0011" ]
      bus_on_off_switch             s14         "s14"     [ where="0012" ]
      bus_on_off_switch             s15         "s15"     [ where="0013" ]
      bus_on_off_switch             s16         "s16"     [ where="0014" ]
      bus_on_off_switch             s17         "s17"     [ where="0015" ]
      bus_on_off_switch             s18         "s18"     [ where="10" ]

      bus_on_off_switch             s21         "s21"     [ where="11" ]
      bus_on_off_switch             s22         "s22"     [ where="12" ]
      bus_on_off_switch             s23         "s23"     [ where="13" ]
      bus_on_off_switch             s24         "s24"     [ where="14" ]
      bus_on_off_switch             s25         "s25"     [ where="15" ]
      bus_on_off_switch             s26         "s26"     [ where="16" ]
      bus_on_off_switch             s27         "s27"     [ where="17" ]
      bus_on_off_switch             s28         "s28"     [ where="18" ]

      bus_on_off_switch             s31         "s31"     [ where="0114" ]
      bus_on_off_switch             s32         "s32"     [ where="0110" ]
      bus_on_off_switch             s33         "s33"     [ where="0111" ]
      bus_on_off_switch             s34         "s34"     [ where="0112" ]

//      bus_on_off_switch             s41         "s41"     [ where="41" ]

      bus_energy_meter              e1          "e1"      [ where="51" ]	
      bus_energy_meter              e2          "e2"      [ where="52" ]	
      bus_energy_meter              e3          "e3"      [ where="53" ]	
      bus_energy_meter              e4          "e4"      [ where="54" ]	
      bus_energy_meter              e5          "e5"      [ where="55" ]	

And my items file:

Group gbTicino (gAll)

Group:Switch:OR(ON,OFF)  gbTicinoLuci (gbTicino)
Group:Switch:OR(ON,OFF)  gbTicinoLuciForSitemap (gbTicino)

Group:Switch:OR(ON,OFF)  gbTicinoLuciInterno (gbTicinoLuci)
Group:Switch:OR(ON,OFF)  gbTicinoLuciEsterno (gbTicinoLuci)
Group:Switch  gbTicinoPump (gbTicino)
Group gbTicinoSpare (gbTicino) 
Group:Number gbTicinoEnergy (gbTicino)
Group:Number:Power:SUM gbTicinoPower (gbTicino,gMQTTpublish)  {unit="W"}

Group:Number:Power:SUM	gbTicinoSUMTriPower "Instant Full Power [%.2f kW]" (gbTicinoPower) {unit="W"}
Group:Number:Power:SUM	gbTicinoSUMBackupPower "Instant Full Power [%.2f kW]" (gbTicinoPower)  {unit="W"}
Group:Number:Power:SUM	gbTicinoSUMPDCPower "Instant Full Power [%.2f kW]" (gbTicinoPower)  {unit="W"}

Group:Switch:OR(ON,OFF) gbTicinoLuciPool (gbTicinoLuciEsterno)
Group:Switch:OR(ON,OFF) gbTicinoLuciGarden (gbTicinoLuciEsterno)
Group:Switch:OR(ON,OFF) gbTicinoLuciFacciata (gbTicinoLuciEsterno)
Group:Switch:OR(ON,OFF) gbTicinoLuciGarage (gbTicinoLuciEsterno)
Group:Switch:OR(ON,OFF) gbTicinoAO (gbTicinoLuci)
Group:Switch:OR(ON,OFF) gbTicinoAOinHome (gbTicinoLuci)
Group:Switch:OR(ON,OFF) gbTicino44 (gbTicino)
Group:Switch:OR(ON,OFF) gbTicino46 (gbTicino)
Group:Switch:OR(ON,OFF) gbTicino48 (gbTicino)
Group:Switch:OR(ON,OFF) gbTicino5E (gbTicino)
Group:Switch:OR(ON,OFF) gbTicinoATT1 (gbTicino)

// Scenari
Number nLightBTicinoScene (gbTicino) {expire="1s,state=0"}

Switch      synchPoolLights  "Synch Pool"           (gbTicino)                      {expire="1s,OFF"}
Switch      changePoolLights "Change Pool lights"   (gbTicino)                      {expire="1s,OFF"}

Switch      bs01            "Pool"                  (gbTicino46,gbTicinoLuciPool,gbTicinoLuciForSitemap)   { channel="openwebnet:bus_on_off_switch:mybridge:s01:switch", ga="Light" }
Switch      bs02            "Segnapasso piscina"    (gbTicino46,gbTicinoLuciPool,gbTicinoLuciForSitemap)   { channel="openwebnet:bus_on_off_switch:mybridge:s02:switch", ga="Light" }
Switch      bs03            "Piante"                (gbTicino46,gbTicinoLuciGarden,gbTicinoLuciForSitemap) { channel="openwebnet:bus_on_off_switch:mybridge:s03:switch", ga="Light" }
Switch      bs04            "Alloro"                (gbTicino46,gbTicinoLuciGarden,gbTicinoLuciForSitemap)   { channel="openwebnet:bus_on_off_switch:mybridge:s04:switch", ga="Light" }
Switch      bs05            "Faro chiesa"           (gbTicino46,gbTicinoLuciGarden,gbTicinoLuciForSitemap)   { channel="openwebnet:bus_on_off_switch:mybridge:s05:switch", ga="Light" }
Switch      bs06            "Natale"                (gbTicino46,gbTicinoLuciGarden,gbTicinoLuciForSitemap)   { channel="openwebnet:bus_on_off_switch:mybridge:s06:switch", ga="Light" }
Switch      bs07            "Frutteto"              (gbTicino46,gbTicinoLuciGarden,gbTicinoLuciForSitemap) { channel="openwebnet:bus_on_off_switch:mybridge:s07:switch", ga="Light" }
//Switch      bs08            "Light0-8"              (gbTicino46,gbTicinoSpare)  { channel="openwebnet:bus_on_off_switch:mybridge:s08:switch", ga="Light" }

Switch      bs11            "Segnapasso scale"      (gbTicino44,gbTicinoLuciGarden,gbTicinoLuciForSitemap,gbTicinoAOinHome)  	{ channel="openwebnet:bus_on_off_switch:mybridge:s11:switch", ga="Light" }
Switch      bs12            "Facciata Est"          (gbTicino44,gbTicinoLuciFacciata,gbTicinoLuciForSitemap)  		{ channel="openwebnet:bus_on_off_switch:mybridge:s12:switch", ga="Light" }
Switch      bs13            "Facciata Ovest"        (gbTicino44,gbTicinoLuciFacciata,gbTicinoLuciForSitemap)  		{ channel="openwebnet:bus_on_off_switch:mybridge:s13:switch", ga="Light" }
Switch      bs14            "Facciata A/O"          (gbTicino44,gbTicinoLuciFacciata,gbTicinoLuciForSitemap,gbTicinoAO) 	{ channel="openwebnet:bus_on_off_switch:mybridge:s14:switch", ga="Light" }
Switch      bs15            "Facciata Cucina"       (gbTicino44,gbTicinoLuciFacciata,gbTicinoLuciForSitemap, gbTicinoAOinHome)  { channel="openwebnet:bus_on_off_switch:mybridge:s15:switch", ga="Light" }
Switch      bs16            "Segnapasso rampa"      (gbTicino44,gbTicinoLuciGarage,gbTicinoLuciForSitemap,gbTicinoAO)  	{ channel="openwebnet:bus_on_off_switch:mybridge:s16:switch", ga="Light" }
Switch      bs17            "Lampioni Est"          (gbTicino44,gbTicinoLuciGarden,gbTicinoLuciForSitemap)    		{ channel="openwebnet:bus_on_off_switch:mybridge:s17:switch", ga="Light" }
Switch      bs18            "Lampioni Ovest"        (gbTicino44,gbTicinoLuciGarden,gbTicinoLuciForSitemap, gbTicinoAOinHome)    { channel="openwebnet:bus_on_off_switch:mybridge:s18:switch", ga="Light" }

Switch      bs21            "Faro Cortile"          (gbTicino48,gbTicinoLuciFacciata,gbTicinoLuciForSitemap)  	{ channel="openwebnet:bus_on_off_switch:mybridge:s21:switch", ga="Light" }
Switch      bs22            "Faro Est"              (gbTicino48,gbTicinoLuciFacciata,gbTicinoLuciForSitemap)  	{ channel="openwebnet:bus_on_off_switch:mybridge:s22:switch", ga="Light" }
Switch      bs23            "Faro Sud"              (gbTicino48,gbTicinoLuciFacciata,gbTicinoLuciForSitemap)  	{ channel="openwebnet:bus_on_off_switch:mybridge:s23:switch", ga="Light" }
Switch      bs24            "Faro Ovest"            (gbTicino48,gbTicinoLuciFacciata,gbTicinoLuciForSitemap)  	{ channel="openwebnet:bus_on_off_switch:mybridge:s24:switch", ga="Light" }
Switch      bs25            "Luce fronte box"       (gbTicino48,gbTicinoLuciGarage,gbTicinoLuciForSitemap)    	{ channel="openwebnet:bus_on_off_switch:mybridge:s25:switch", ga="Light" }
//Switch      bs26            "Light2-6"              (gbTicino48,gbTicinoSpare)     				{ channel="openwebnet:bus_on_off_switch:mybridge:s26:switch", ga="Light" }
//Switch      bs27            "Light2-7"           (gbTicino48,gbTicinoSpare)     					{ channel="openwebnet:bus_on_off_switch:mybridge:s27:switch", ga="Light" }
Switch      bs28            "Luce scale"            (gbTicino48,gbTicinoLuciInterno,gbTicinoLuciForSitemap,gbTicinoAO) { channel="openwebnet:bus_on_off_switch:mybridge:s28:switch", ga="Light" }

Switch      bs31            "Pump Auto/Timer"       (gbTicino5E,gbTicinoPump)   { channel="openwebnet:bus_on_off_switch:mybridge:s31:switch", ga="Light" }
Switch      bs32            "Pool Pump"             (gbTicino5E,gbTicinoPump)   { channel="openwebnet:bus_on_off_switch:mybridge:s32:switch", ga="Light" }
Switch      bs33            "Clorinatore"           (gbTicino5E,gbTicinoPump)   { channel="openwebnet:bus_on_off_switch:mybridge:s33:switch", ga="Light" }
//Switch      bs34            "Light3-4"              (gbTicino5E,gbTicinoSpare)  { channel="openwebnet:bus_on_off_switch:mybridge:s34:switch", ga="Light" }

//Switch      bs41            "Luce notte"            (gbTicinoATT1,gbTicinoLuciInterno)  { channel="openwebnet:bus_on_off_switch:mybridge:s41:switch", ga="Light" }

Number:Power be1            "Fase 1 [%.2f %unit%]"  (gbTicinoSUMTriPower) { unit="W", channel="openwebnet:bus_energy_meter:mybridge:e1:power" }
Number:Power be2            "Fase 2 [%.2f %unit%]"  (gbTicinoSUMTriPower) { unit="W", channel="openwebnet:bus_energy_meter:mybridge:e2:power" }
Number:Power be3            "Fase 3 [%.2f %unit%]"  (gbTicinoSUMTriPower) { unit="W", channel="openwebnet:bus_energy_meter:mybridge:e3:power" } 
Number:Power be4            "Backup [%.2f %unit%]"  (gbTicinoSUMBackupPower) { unit="W", channel="openwebnet:bus_energy_meter:mybridge:e4:power" } 
Number:Power be5            "PdC [%.2f %unit%]"  (gbTicinoSUMPDCPower) { unit="W", channel="openwebnet:bus_energy_meter:mybridge:e5:power" } 

Number      bn01            "Pool"                  (gMQTTpublish)  { channel="openwebnet:bus_on_off_switch:mybridge:s01:switch", ga="Light" [profile="transform:MAP", function="switch_binary.map"]}
Number      bn02            "Segnapasso piscina"    (gMQTTpublish)  { channel="openwebnet:bus_on_off_switch:mybridge:s02:switch", ga="Light" [profile="transform:MAP", function="switch_binary.map"]}
Number      bn03            "Piante"                (gMQTTpublish)  { channel="openwebnet:bus_on_off_switch:mybridge:s03:switch", ga="Light" [profile="transform:MAP", function="switch_binary.map"]}
Number      bn04            "Alloro"                (gMQTTpublish)  { channel="openwebnet:bus_on_off_switch:mybridge:s04:switch", ga="Light" [profile="transform:MAP", function="switch_binary.map"]}
Number      bn05            "Faro chiesa"           (gMQTTpublish)  { channel="openwebnet:bus_on_off_switch:mybridge:s05:switch", ga="Light" [profile="transform:MAP", function="switch_binary.map"]}
Number      bn06            "Natale"                (gMQTTpublish)  { channel="openwebnet:bus_on_off_switch:mybridge:s06:switch", ga="Light" [profile="transform:MAP", function="switch_binary.map"]}
Number      bn07            "Frutteto"              (gMQTTpublish)  { channel="openwebnet:bus_on_off_switch:mybridge:s07:switch", ga="Light" [profile="transform:MAP", function="switch_binary.map"]}
//Number      bn08            "Light0-8"              (gMQTTpublish)  { channel="openwebnet:bus_on_off_switch:mybridge:s08:switch", ga="Light" [profile="transform:MAP", function="switch_binary.map"]}

Number      bn11            "Segnapasso scale"      (gMQTTpublish)  { channel="openwebnet:bus_on_off_switch:mybridge:s11:switch", ga="Light" [profile="transform:MAP", function="switch_binary.map"]}
Number      bn12            "Facciata Est"          (gMQTTpublish)  { channel="openwebnet:bus_on_off_switch:mybridge:s12:switch", ga="Light" [profile="transform:MAP", function="switch_binary.map"]}
Number      bn13            "Facciata Ovest"        (gMQTTpublish)  { channel="openwebnet:bus_on_off_switch:mybridge:s13:switch", ga="Light" [profile="transform:MAP", function="switch_binary.map"]}
Number      bn14            "Facciata A/O"          (gMQTTpublish)  { channel="openwebnet:bus_on_off_switch:mybridge:s14:switch", ga="Light" [profile="transform:MAP", function="switch_binary.map"]}
Number      bn15            "Facciata Cucina"       (gMQTTpublish)  { channel="openwebnet:bus_on_off_switch:mybridge:s15:switch", ga="Light" [profile="transform:MAP", function="switch_binary.map"]}
Number      bn16            "Segnapasso rampa"      (gMQTTpublish)  { channel="openwebnet:bus_on_off_switch:mybridge:s16:switch", ga="Light" [profile="transform:MAP", function="switch_binary.map"]}
Number      bn17            "Lampioni Est"          (gMQTTpublish)  { channel="openwebnet:bus_on_off_switch:mybridge:s17:switch", ga="Light" [profile="transform:MAP", function="switch_binary.map"]}
Number      bn18            "Lampioni Ovest"        (gMQTTpublish)  { channel="openwebnet:bus_on_off_switch:mybridge:s18:switch", ga="Light" [profile="transform:MAP", function="switch_binary.map"]}

Number      bn21            "Faro Cortile"          (gMQTTpublish)  { channel="openwebnet:bus_on_off_switch:mybridge:s21:switch", ga="Light" [profile="transform:MAP", function="switch_binary.map"]}
Number      bn22            "Faro Est"              (gMQTTpublish)  { channel="openwebnet:bus_on_off_switch:mybridge:s22:switch", ga="Light" [profile="transform:MAP", function="switch_binary.map"]}
Number      bn23            "Faro Sud"              (gMQTTpublish)  { channel="openwebnet:bus_on_off_switch:mybridge:s23:switch", ga="Light" [profile="transform:MAP", function="switch_binary.map"]}
Number      bn24            "Faro Ovest"            (gMQTTpublish)  { channel="openwebnet:bus_on_off_switch:mybridge:s24:switch", ga="Light" [profile="transform:MAP", function="switch_binary.map"]}
Number      bn25            "Luce fronte box"       (gMQTTpublish)  { channel="openwebnet:bus_on_off_switch:mybridge:s25:switch", ga="Light" [profile="transform:MAP", function="switch_binary.map"]}
//Number      bn26            "Light2-6"              (gMQTTpublish)  { channel="openwebnet:bus_on_off_switch:mybridge:s26:switch", ga="Light" [profile="transform:MAP", function="switch_binary.map"]}
//Number      bn27            "Light2-7"              (gMQTTpublish)  { channel="openwebnet:bus_on_off_switch:mybridge:s27:switch", ga="Light" [profile="transform:MAP", function="switch_binary.map"]}
Number      bn28            "Luce scale"            (gMQTTpublish)  { channel="openwebnet:bus_on_off_switch:mybridge:s28:switch", ga="Light" [profile="transform:MAP", function="switch_binary.map"]}

Number      bn31            "Pump Auto/Timer"       (gMQTTpublish)  { channel="openwebnet:bus_on_off_switch:mybridge:s31:switch", ga="Light" [profile="transform:MAP", function="switch_binary.map"]}
Number      bn32            "Pool Pump"             (gMQTTpublish)  { channel="openwebnet:bus_on_off_switch:mybridge:s32:switch", ga="Light" [profile="transform:MAP", function="switch_binary.map"]}
Number      bn33            "Clorinatore"           (gMQTTpublish)  { channel="openwebnet:bus_on_off_switch:mybridge:s33:switch", ga="Light" [profile="transform:MAP", function="switch_binary.map"]}
//Number      bn34            "Light3-4"              (gMQTTpublish)  { channel="openwebnet:bus_on_off_switch:mybridge:s34:switch", ga="Light" [profile="transform:MAP", function="switch_binary.map"]}

//Number      bn41            "Luce notte"            (gMQTTpublish)  { channel="openwebnet:bus_on_off_switch:mybridge:s41:switch", ga="Light" [profile="transform:MAP", function="switch_binary.map"]}

The ones that are not working properly are the ones with WHERE between “01” and “10”.
I have two different types of errors:

  1. WHERE=“01” to “09” the error is “Could not get get channel state”
  2. WHERE=10 error is “OpenWebNet Address (where) parameter in configuration is null or invalid”
    From bTicino application H+C everything works properly.

Error 1:
From OH I can command the switches (turn on/off the light works), but the status in OH is not updated.
Here’s the log:

2024-08-15 19:39:42.297 [INFO ] [openhab.event.ItemCommandEvent      ] - Item 'bs03' received command ON
2024-08-15 19:39:42.298 [INFO ] [penhab.event.ItemStatePredictedEvent] - Item 'bs03' predicted to become NULL
==> /var/log/openhab/openhab.log <==
2024-08-15 19:39:42.299 [DEBUG] [ernal.handler.OpenWebNetThingHandler] - handleCommand() (command=ON - channel=openwebnet:bus_on_off_switch:mybridge:s03:switch)
2024-08-15 19:39:42.299 [DEBUG] [al.handler.OpenWebNetLightingHandler] - handleSwitchCommand() (command=ON - channel=openwebnet:bus_on_off_switch:mybridge:s03:switch)
2024-08-15 19:39:42.394 [TRACE] [rnal.handler.OpenWebNetBridgeHandler] - RECEIVED <<<<< `*1*1*03##`
2024-08-15 19:39:42.395 [DEBUG] [al.handler.OpenWebNetLightingHandler] - handleMultipleMessage `*1*1*03##`

Error 2:
I cannot send the command to turn the lights ON opr OFF.
Tested with the OpenWebNet Client sending the command manually and all is working (example with WHERE=10):

So the light is properly addressed and working using WHERE=10, but when I try to send the command with OH4 it gives the following error and do not command the light:

2024-08-15 19:37:25.292 [INFO ] [openhab.event.ItemCommandEvent      ] - Item 'bs18' received command ON
2024-08-15 19:37:25.293 [INFO ] [penhab.event.ItemStatePredictedEvent] - Item 'bs18' predicted to become NULL
==> /var/log/openhab/openhab.log <==
2024-08-15 19:37:25.295 [DEBUG] [ernal.handler.OpenWebNetThingHandler] - handleCommand() (command=ON - channel=openwebnet:bus_on_off_switch:mybridge:s18:switch)
2024-08-15 19:37:25.295 [INFO ] [ernal.handler.OpenWebNetThingHandler] - Cannot handle ON command for openwebnet:bus_on_off_switch:mybridge:s18: 'where' parameter is not configured or is invalid
2024-08-15 19:37:26.943 [TRACE] [rnal.handler.OpenWebNetBridgeHandler] - RECEIVED <<<<< `*#18*54*113*180##`
2024-08-15 19:37:26.943 [DEBUG] [rnal.handler.OpenWebNetBridgeHandler] - ownIdFromMessage(`*#18*54*113*180##`) --> 18.54

I tried to reset the MHS1 and all the actuators rebuilding the system from zero, but I still get the same problem.

Any idea of what it could be?

Could there be a conflict with where 10 and where 0010, 11 and 0011 etc ?

Also, I noticed that some items share the same where eg bn18 and bs18. Is that OK? Switch and number type on same switch channel. It could be OK. Not something I have done before. All my items have unique addresses.

@bastler @massi

I started digging into why I get warnings in the log about unsupported DIM’s. I have seen others eg who13 at restart, but for now I am checking into what causes DIM13 warnings for who1 in the log when using Dimmer100 in an MH202 scenario.

Massi previously said DIM 13 is undocumented, and that is still true, but I thought you might be interested to know the WHO 1 lighting doc was updated in June 2024 and now includes more DIMENSIONS, and maybe other changes too >>>

New pdf v 1.2 2024

Old pdf v1.1 2014

New DIM table >>>

DIM 1 is the same function as I am trying to do in my Dimmer100 MH202 scenario action which triggers a DIM13 warning

Value Description

  • 1 Set up the level at X speed
  • 2 Temporization
  • 3 Required Only ON Light
  • 4 Status dimmer 100 levels with ON/OFFspeed
  • 8 Working time lamp
  • 9 Max working time lamp
  • 12 HSV*
  • 14 White Temperature*

ok, so i also tried to investigate a bit and found out that i receive unsupported dim for example for timed lights (dimmer) commands.

if i send (from own client, but i think a long time ago i also sent it from touchscreen) this command:


this is for pl=45#4#01 as i use #4#01 at groundfloor and #4#02 for upper floor, switching on for 5 seconds

then i see this warning in the log

Unsupported DIM: 4 - frame *#1*45#4#01*4*185*1##

what i dont find documented in the new who_1.pdf but if i am not wrong this is the answer message and tells the light is on with 85% dimmer level.

i see that neither the switch nor the slider of the lamp will be updated, in openhab the light stays shown as off. but my 4890 touchscreen shows correct on including the dimmer level.

if i send this command
with different gateways i see different results:

with mh200n, mh4893 or mh4890 as gateway i see in the log:

[WARN ] [openwebnet4j.message.BaseOpenMessage] - Unsupported DIM: #2 - frame *#1*45#4#01*#2*0*0*5##
[WARN ] [al.handler.OpenWebNetLightingHandler] - updateBrightness() Cannot handle message `*#1*45#4#01*#2*0*0*5##`
[WARN ] [openwebnet4j.message.BaseOpenMessage] - Unsupported DIM: 4 - frame *#1*45#4#01*4*165*1##
[WARN ] [al.handler.OpenWebNetLightingHandler] - updateBrightness() Cannot handle message `*#1*45#4#01*4*165*1##`
(and when the light switches off at timer end)
[WARN ] [openwebnet4j.message.BaseOpenMessage] - Unsupported DIM: 4 - frame *#1*45#4#01*4*100*1##
[WARN ] [al.handler.OpenWebNetLightingHandler] - updateBrightness() Cannot handle message `*#1*45#4#01*4*100*1##`

with f454 as gateway the warning Unsupported DIM: #2 is missing, only the warnings Unsupported DIM: 4 appear

For me the error occurs when mh202 scenario dims lights using dimmer100 but not dimmer10. I used the client to see what was being sent. I dont fully understand the all frames seen; I am trying to learn. I can post them later if want help me understand what they mean.

strange that it seems that both docs for WHO=1 (the old and also the new) are not correct:

i tried to control my lights with dimmer100, in the old doc it says:
3.4.1Set up the level at X speed - Dimension = 1


in the new doc there is a ‘*’ between dimmer100 and speed:


but both dont work for me. i can only make it work with an addtitional ‘*’ after WHERE:


but still then i only can switch lights ON and change the dimmer level. switching OFF (should be 100 according the docs) does not work

I will get back to this in a few days. I also noticed I get DIM warnings for who13 after MH202 reboots. Plus there a quite a few extra frames when my dimmer100 scenario action starts.


It seems the binding unsupported frame warnings are connected with using the MH202 as the gateway. In this case the binding ‘sees’ MH202 ‘internal’ frames that are not actually broadcast and also not documented.

As well as the dimmer100 issue I have seen other warnings about unsupported frames eg at MH202 reboot.

I ran a test with the client. I opened two windows simultaneously. One connected to the MH202 and the other to the Screen10.

I then sent a dimmer100 frame using MH202 and then using Screen10.

As you can see from below. When the client is connected to the MH202 it also sees extra frames, including who13 time frames every 30s. The connection to the Sreen10 does not show these frames.

Dimmer100 frames sent to screen10 >>>

Dimmer100 frame sent to MH202 >>>

So the options…,

  • Change gateway to the screen10 but this means the time sync will not work
  • Change to dimmer10 , but this is limited to pl9 max ,whereas dimmer 100 supports up to pl15 and I have some dimmers with pl10-15.
  • Buy and try MyHomeserver1
  • Accept the warnings in the log >>>>but I like a clean log

Or maybe the binding could have an option to ignore unsupported frames.

really? i cannot find this documented in the bticino docu. even more i use dimmer10 for dimmed lamp with a=3 pl=11 and this works for me.

i would not think its worth to buy a new gateway only because of some warnings in the log. what about changing the log-level to error then the warnings should disappear.

i do not use dimmer100 because the much more steps i do not need. when i tried with dimmer100 i saw that i cannot switch off as i thought it should work regarding the bticino docu. for example
this works to set my dimmed light to 88%:


but switching OFF with this command does not work (nothing changes):


with dimmer 10 set light to 80%:


works as well as switching OFF:


of course an advantage of dimmer100 is the ability to change the duration of the time for reaching the set level.

Hi All,
I’m running on OH 4.1.1, and everything relating to Openwebnet works excellently.
I have a MyHomeServer1 running the latest firmware of 2.83.23.

I tried to move to OH 4.2.1. Most of the BTicino items worked, but any items with addresses starting with zero do not communicate, i.e., 00, 01, 02, all the way to 09. The status shows as “UNKOWN”. After a While, that changes to “COMMUNICATION_ERROR Could not get channel state”
Enabling/disabling does not make a difference.
I tried to delete the items and discovered them again.
The Light, interesting enough, now comes as "Area 1 Light Group (WHERE = 1).
Going into the item setup and playing around with changing the address 01 t 1 and vice versa does not have any effect. The items stats show as UNKNOWN, and no communication takes place.
Any idea/recommendation?
(I rolled back to 4.1.1).
Thank you

when you write 00 - 09 i suppose you say from a=0, pl=0 to a=0, pl=9 - this are not allowed adresses regarding the bticino docu. i know they where accepted earlier but they could cause other strange problems.

if you have an a=0, pl=9 this must be written correct as 0009 as i do all my things file-based this is not a problem, i cannot tell you how it could be done when using auto discovery. easiest would be to avoid adresses with a=0

A and PL do not go beyond 9 for me in MyHomeSuite v3.5.23

Strange. Would be good if I could use this with addresses >10

ui, you even have a newer mhs version than me :slight_smile:

seems to be a limitation of the softwarepart for your screen. in the configuration it is possible a=10 and pl=15

and in the management for my small touchscreens h4890 also:

and even for my big touch h4893 dimmer10 can be configured a=0-10 and pl=0-15:

sorry, postet the wrong screenshots with dimmer100 - now the correct pictures are inserted with dimmer10

i realized i have most of my lights configured as dimmer100 although i control them as dimmer10, seems to be only important when controlling direct from the touchscreen but does not matter when controlling from somewhere else.

and: mhs newest version is 3.5.29, just downloaded it :slight_smile:

ha ha I was waiting for someone to go first

The screenshots are for the configuring of the actiuator. I have set higher addreseses too. The screenshots I showed are for a scenario in MH202 action … or did I miss something. Its Friday and already drunk a bottle of wine and a Negroni :beers: !!!