[OpenWebNet/BTicino] Problems sind OH 4.2


i have some strange problems since i upgraded to OH 4.2.

First - Automation for some specific addresses stopped working. I have one rollershutter with adress 80 - this does not work anymore - see log below - 80 is an invalid address?

Second - seems like all on/off switches (lights) with address 00 to 09 do not work anymore.

They can be switched on and off - but the status remains offline:


2024-08-03 09:58:38.410 [ERROR] [nternal.DiscoveryServiceRegistryImpl] - Cannot trigger scan for thing types ‘[openwebnet:bus_dimmer, openwebnet:bus_cen_scenario_control, openwebnet:bus_alarm_system, openwebnet:zb_automation, openwebnet:zb_on_off_switch2u, openwebnet:bus_on_off_switch, openwebnet:bus_thermo_sensor, openwebnet:bus_scenario_control, openwebnet:zb_on_off_switch, openwebnet:bus_light_group, openwebnet:bus_dry_contact_ir, openwebnet:bus_alarm_zone, openwebnet:bus_thermo_cu, openwebnet:zb_dimmer, openwebnet:bus_energy_meter, openwebnet:bus_aux, openwebnet:bus_cenplus_scenario_control, openwebnet:generic_device, openwebnet:bus_automation, openwebnet:bus_thermo_zone]’ on ‘OpenWebNetDeviceDiscoveryService’!
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: WHERE address ‘80’ is invalid: PL not in range [1-15]
at org.openwebnet4j.message.WhereLightAutom.(WhereLightAutom.java:111) ~[?:?]
at org.openwebnet4j.message.Automation.parseWhere(Automation.java:223) ~[?:?]
at org.openwebnet4j.message.BaseOpenMessage.getWhere(BaseOpenMessage.java:213) ~[?:?]
at org.openwebnet4j.BUSGateway.discoverDevicesInternal(BUSGateway.java:142) ~[?:?]
at org.openwebnet4j.OpenGateway.discoverDevices(OpenGateway.java:292) ~[?:?]
at org.openhab.binding.openwebnet.internal.handler.OpenWebNetBridgeHandler.searchDevices(OpenWebNetBridgeHandler.java:308) ~[?:?]
at org.openhab.binding.openwebnet.internal.discovery.OpenWebNetDeviceDiscoveryService.startScan(OpenWebNetDeviceDiscoveryService.java:79) ~[?:?]
at org.openhab.core.config.discovery.AbstractDiscoveryService.startScan(AbstractDiscoveryService.java:197) ~[?:?]
at org.openhab.core.config.discovery.internal.DiscoveryServiceRegistryImpl.startScan(DiscoveryServiceRegistryImpl.java:360) ~[?:?]
at org.openhab.core.config.discovery.internal.DiscoveryServiceRegistryImpl.startScans(DiscoveryServiceRegistryImpl.java:337) ~[?:?]
at org.openhab.core.config.discovery.internal.DiscoveryServiceRegistryImpl.startScan(DiscoveryServiceRegistryImpl.java:212) ~[?:?]

i am on oh 4.2.0 release buld and i do not have this problems. surely because i do not use pl=0 at all. and if i read the error message that you posted there also is suggested not to use zero for pl.

same with amb, i think you must not start with 0 but begin with 1

if i read the docu correct it right it could work with amb 0 if you note it as 00 but i did never test. and even if, the pl always begins at 1

oh - this is interessting - my electrican installed the hous years ago - and i never had any problem with it. but seems you are right - reading the openwebnet docu it says below. think i will adopt my addresses!

thank you


Yes @noxe : starting with 4.2 the binding has a stronger check for configured addresses and as you and @bastler have pointed out the one in your current configuration are not compliant with the Specs.
The only accepted formats are those in the image you published

What is really strange is that the SCS bus, actuators and controllers and the BTicino gateway itself accept a configuration with addresses that are not correct!

Yes the best solution IMHO is to reconfigure those addresses to the correct version

thx Massimo - indeed strange, its working nearly since 10 yers now! :slight_smile:

Hi @noxe,
I have the same problem and lost a week trying to reconfigure the whole system (it would have been nice to be informed about this new check in the address

Anyway, how did you manage to change the addresses?
I tried myhome_suite but if I make the changes in the address, the changes are not permanent.

normally changing the address with myhome_suite should work without problems if the message at the end of the process does not tell you any error. i suppose your switches could be configured physically with jumpers. perhaps open just one switch that does not hold its config and look if it has jumpers set on its backside.

with myhome_suite - after saving your changes - you need to right click → send configuration to device. anyway - what is strange is that you change configure the address to for example - A 8 - PL 0 - even if it should not be allowed based on the docs

I didn’t set initially those invalid addresses.
They have been set by MHS.

If I change the wrong addresses manually in MyHome Suite, and send the changes, they appear to be changed, but when I then assign a LIGHT in H+P, then they return to the original value.

I use “Advance configuration” not “virtual”.
Could this be the reason?

@massi: wouldn’t it be possible to remove the constraint on the addresses?

Hi I have same problem with this binfing after updating openhab if in the openwebnet.things file I have simiral WHERE like:
[ where=“80” ]
[ where=“80#4#08” ]
[ where=“80#4#09” ]
for all this 3 devices openhab give ERROR CONFIG
and in details it say:
‘where’ parameter is not configured or is invalid

And in the LOG:
18:31:34.199 [INFO ] [ternal.handler.OpenWebNetThingHandler] - Cannot handle REFRESH command for openwebnet:bus_on_off_switch:ge:PL80: ‘where’ parameter is not configured or is invalid

I need to downgrade to pervious 4.1 version to fix

@geoborders : According to the official BTicino documents these are invalid WHERE addresses.
Can you change these addresses in your system?

Hi @massi
despite several tries, I haven’t been able to change the addresses.
They apparently change, but then they return to the previous address.
I had to move the lights to another physical plug, and now I cannot use some of the plugs.

Considering that also the “invalid” addresses work, PLEASE just leave them as valid in your binding: I mean let the server filter them, but let you binding to passthrough all the values.
There is no need for your binding to filter those if the server accepts them.


does this happen after you cut power on your bticino bus? i suppose the reason for this could be that your switches are configured physically (with jumpers in the switches). if you have jumpers set then always after power loss the switch will fall back to the configuration that is done with jumpers.

Hi stefan,
I use MyHomeSuite not physical addresses.

What I do is: I connect to the device, I change the address of the items that have allowed addresses and then I send the configuration to the device and save. If I disconnect and reconnect the address is the new address that I set. So apparently it is working!

But the single ports are not visible from OH. And in H+P the items with the new addresses are not configured any more. So I enter H+P and I configure the items assigning the name, room, etc.
As soon as I do it, the address is changed to the previous one.

I did it several times and the result is always the same.

first sorry, what is H+P :thinking:

then: if you are sure that your switches dont have jumpers i am out ouf ideas. but i heard that even if they have jumpers they can be configured virtually in myhomesuite, but will fall back after some time.

Hi @bastler H+P is the App Home+Project that Bticino uses to configure the system.
This App automatically defines the addresses and even in my case they do not fall within the policy published by @noxe.

Right now, I’m facing the same issues as above regarding A0.

Is there any update on the case?

@massi : we need your help :slight_smile:

Please let your binding accept the A0 addresses again as it was before.

1 Like

Hi everybody,

starting from the point that the App H+P does not give the control over the addresses, in the meantime this conflict between the App and the binding will be resolved I tried to find a temporary solution.

For those addresses not recognized by the binding, I bypassed the openwenet bindind using Node-RED. If anyone is interested, I’ll attach the flow

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        "wires": [
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        "type": "change",
        "z": "f5b69558a37de09d",
        "name": "cmd/light ON",
        "rules": [
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However, I hope that the problem will be resolved in the future within the binding