Orvibo AllOne IR Blaster Guide

I have a remote control. what do you recommend version to install? and best uses I have a windows pc mac?

Do you not have openhab already set up? If you just want to use the orvibo, itā€™s probably easier just to download the wiwo app and use that to learn the codes for your conditioner.

I have already tried with WIWO not find me the code of the air conditioner

Ok. This isnā€™t strictly the right place for this, but this is what you do:

Open the wiwo app.

If you havenā€™t done this already, click the + in the top right corner to add your allone. Click allone and then follow the instructions on screen to add your allone to the app.

Now go back to the device list screen, and swipe to the left along the white bar with ā€œAlloneā€ in it. This will make ā€œadd, advanced and deleteā€ pop up. This isnā€™t an obvious thing to do and is easy to miss.

Choose add, name your device something like ā€œfujitsuā€, and click on device type and and choose air conditioner.

Click save in the top right. Now on the main screen, if you tap on the allone, it should bring up fujitsu underneath. Tap this and it will open the control screen.

If you tap the ā€œonā€ button, it will pop up with a message saying ā€œThe Key didnā€™t learn ir codeā€.

Now hold down the "on"button for a few seconds. A new message will pop up saying the allone has entered the learning state.

Aim your fujitsu remote at the allone, and press the ā€œonā€ button on it. Your allone will flash and the code for the on button should be learned. Test it by turning your fujitsu off and pressing the on button in the wiwo app.

Do the same with all the other buttons that you want to be able to use on the app.

This will get the conditioner working with the wiwo app. That will be ok, but at some point, you may think, hmmm, wouldnā€™t it be good if I could get the conditioner to turn on by itself when the temperature gets to a certain point? And if the orvibo can control my conditioner, what else can it control??

At which point, itā€™s time to start looking into openhabā€¦

thank you thank you thank you all works I configured everything correctly. hereā€™s what faccevo first https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fGUzaddbChg


Learning A|C controils is pretty useless as IR code transmits all the settings all the time. For openhab had to make the files while pressing the on button. Such as AUTO-SPEED-COOLING-22C.ir AUTO-SPEED-COOLING-24C.ir e.t.c

Excellent document - I have few questions if you can help me answer

(1) Is there a Limit to how many IR commands we can store in Orvibo ? I see the product documentation says it can handle max of 15 appliances but i am not sure if that limits any number of IR commands using Python commands. I am possibly looking at controlling my RGB lights colors using this and can lead to many commands
(2) do we need a delay in between firing commands via Exec binding in order for this device to respond correctly, in other works how fast this device responds to the .py scripts.

orvibo.py author here

  1. In fact Orvibo AllOne does not store any commands, it just receives a set of bytes from script, turns it to IR signal and emits.
  2. Despite of current implemetation of orvibo.py is waiting for the device respose after signal emit Iā€™d say you donā€™t need it. You may try to send your requests async or just one by one. Also I can add an additional argument for the script to skip waiting such responses.

Hi Pavel,

Thanks for the feedback also there is delay of about 3-4 seconds in execution of IR emit, it doesnt affect me much as I am using it primarily for automation like switching off AC when no motion for a while etc ā€¦ however it would be nice to reduce this delay somehow - i saw this topic being discussed before but lost track of it ā€¦ is there a short summary of how this delay can be fixed ?

Another topic which is related to Allone itself is that my Mitsubishi AC remote cannot be learned by the device, it shows the command is learnt but it never emits it even using WiMo application. Not sure if there are any other ways to make these AC work as these models are not part of the code list provided by WiMo application. my Harmony hub on the other hand handles these AC well. ā€¦ any hints in this direction ? :slight_smile:

Hi again :slight_smile:

  1. Most of the request time is spent to discover devices. There are two hints to reduce this time - use search by IP address if it is already known and keep connection to already discovered device. The second one has a valuable limitation - you can not use it via command line. In other words you have to use orvibo.py as python module for another script (like script to blink 100500 times with different colors your RGB diodes via sending 100500 requests to AllOne)

  2. The only thing I can advice here is to place AllOne closer to your AC IR sensor. I had the same problem with my TV, but after several moving attempts Iā€™ve finally found the right place for my blaster.

BTW guys, I wonder if it will useful for community to have an ability to send music/video/images/youtube links from python script directly to DLNA/UPnP devices (such as AV Receivers, Smart TVs, etc) like

dlnap.py --device rx577 --play 'http://somewhere.com/my_favorite_music.mp3'


dlnap.py --device tv --play 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q0eWOaLxlso'

Iā€™m asking because Iā€™m currently in progress of developing such a (python as usual :slight_smile:) tool


Iā€™ve bought a new Orvibo Allone.
By Startinng the python-script i get this error:

ash-4.3# /bin/python3 orvibo.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File ā€œorvibo.pyā€, line 706, in
for d in Orvibo.discover().values():
File ā€œorvibo.pyā€, line 330, in discover
with _orvibo_socket() as s:
File ā€œ/volume1/@appstore/py3k/usr/local/lib/python3.5/contextlib.pyā€, line 59, in enter
return next(self.gen)
File ā€œorvibo.pyā€, line 135, in _orvibo_socket
sock = _create_orvibo_socket() if external_socket is None else external_socket
File ā€œorvibo.pyā€, line 130, in _create_orvibo_socket
sock.bind((ip, PORT))
OSError: [Errno 98] Address already in use

Can you help me?
What must I do that the script works ?

Manmy thanks and greetings


Aditional information:
As i switch the port from 10000 to 10001 the script runs without an errorr message.
But the script does not find the orvibo allone.
I tried to find it with the ip-adress.
But the script says:

ash-4.3# /usr/local/bin/python3 orvibo.py -i
Device ip= not found in dict_keys([]).
ash-4.3# /usr/local/bin/python3 orvibo.py

What is wrong ?

Problem solved.
I switched back the port to 10000.
Now the script has found the orvibo.

All orvibo devices listens on port 10000 only. They canā€™t reply to you on any other port

@robinson great tutorial.

Question: Your Orvibo device have support for Radio Frequency or is just for infrared?

I found this ALLONE PRO RF SMART HUB but Iā€™m not sure if is the same as yoursā€¦

Has anyone tried this for the Orvibo CT10 Magic Cube? Iā€™m getting a Warning subscription failed while entering Learning IR/RF433 mode using the ip and the mac to identify. Just running orvibo.py without -i or -m does not identify any devices. Using -i or -m with the debug on it just shows 10 instances of blank ā€˜Discovered values:ā€™ followed by ā€˜Device not found in []ā€™.
How would I move forward in trying to use the Magic Cube with the same python script?

Iā€™ve tried it without success. The protocol is different than for the AllOne. I havenā€™t had time to reverse engineer the communication but I did do some package captures and confirmed the messages are different than the Python script expectsā€¦ If you find out anything about it, please share.

I did train the ir-codes for sat-receiver VU+ Solo, Sony Home Theatre System (BluRay) and Samsung TV (I have to look up model numbers).
Oh and for that vacuum cleaner called ā€˜ilife v5ā€™.
Is it interesting to open up a pool of files with py.ir-codes, so that not each of us has to fabricate those py-files?
I could share mine.
And I did put up some rules that could be interesting, too. I have rules by which I can manage to get to a certain Point in menu like Netflix.
In my setup I have a switch for the electricity that gets switched on. Afterwards the TV is switched on after a sleeptimer of a few seconds (time the TV needs for boot process) and then I tell my BluRay to switch to Netflix (by clicking down,down,etc. , not a ā€˜smart TVā€™).

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@Whitee could you please share your configs/ir codes on some github repo?

Also, how do you guys mount the Orvibo AllOne in your home? Im thinking of a place thatā€™d reach AC, my vacuum nearby and TV set as well.