Out of several identical Items, only some are triggering a rule


once again, I need your support guys (and ladies)
I have set up a rule that should fire a mail, soon as a window has been opened or closed. For whatever strange reason, only 2 of 6 definded items are triggering that mail.
Attached I have a part of the config

rule “Window opened"
Item Fenster_WoZi_Balkon changed from CLOSED to OPEN or
Item Fenster_Kueche_Ost changed from CLOSED to OPEN or
Item Fenster_WoZi_Ost changed from CLOSED to OPEN or
Item Fenster_Treppenhaus changed from CLOSED to OPEN
sendMail(“hierstehtmeineemail”, “Fenster geöffnet”, “Ein Fenster wurde am “+ Date.state.format(”%tD”) +” um " + Date.state.format("%tr")+" geöffnet")

rule “Window closed"
Item Fenster_WoZi_Balkon changed from OPEN to CLOSED or
Item Fenster_Kueche_Ost changed from OPEN to CLOSED or
Item Fenster_WoZi_Ost changed from OPEN to CLOSED or
Item Fenster_Treppenhaus changed from OPEN to CLOSED
sendMail(“hierstehtmeineemail”, “Fenster geschlossen”, “Ein Fenster wurde am “+ Date.state.format(”%tD”) +” um " + Date.state.format("%tr")+" geschlossen")

Kueche_Ost and Treppenhaus are working, the rest is not. They do, in fact, work ALL as a contact item. So in the GUI I can see ALL items change from OPEN to CLOSED and back.
Same in the EVENTS Log. No typos, checked that as well :slight_smile:

All Items aer defined like this:

Contact Fenster_Kueche_Ost "Küche Ost" <window> (gWindows,gWindows_EG) { knx = "1.019:9/0/1" } Contact Fenster_Wozi_Ost "Wohnen Ost" <window> (gWindows,gWindows_EG) { knx = "1.019:9/0/2" }

DPTs are identical as well; four of the six Items are using an MDT BE, only two are connected separately via JUNG UP JA. Those four which are not working are all conected to the MDT.
No errors in the logs, btw.

But as the contact item itself is working fine, I am running out of ideas what the root cause might be.

Any ideas?

Thanks a lot!

Is it the capital Z in Wozi?

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Nope, that is correct. I defined the respective groups like that,

I think mcpostal means that this trigger

will not be triggered by this Item

WoZi <> Wozi

Maybe I am missing something, but going with the German meaning of your names, I would expect Fenster_Wozi_Ost to be member of the group you mentioned. But then, your item file indicates that Fenster_Wozi_Ost is only member of (gWindows,gWindows_EG)

And your rule trigger seems to be an item and not a group unless I am misunderstanding something

Mcpostal and rossko57, you guys made my day. This was the root cause…and it explains, why the other one (“Kueche”) worked, as well as why “Balkon” in annother rule worked as well.

Thanks a lot. I knew it couldn’t be that complicated but needed to be something I simply did not see, despite all the checks :slight_smile:

Again, thanks a lot!

The trigger can be an item or a rule, doesn’t matter. In case of “Fenster_Kueche_Ost” it worked. Only for the items that contained the capital “Z” I overlooked the fact, that within the SITES Definition they are used within a group frame, so the different writing did not matter. When using in the rule, it DID matter, as mcpostal and rossko57 discovered for blind me :slight_smile: