Pages > oh-label-card - Label Card > footer: insert item.status?


  • openHAB version: 4.0.0.M1 - Milestone Build

  • Issue of the topic: how to insert an item property in the footer of label-card?

  • Please post configurations (if applicable):

component: oh-label-card
  item: MyThing_Online
  footer: MyThing_Last_Seen
  • Items configuration related to the issue

MyThing got two channels:

If I replace the “item” the data are correctly shown, is there a way to insert an item in the footer?

I’ve checked at:

But the “item” does not even appear in the parameter list.

Thank, BR

I have a page with the battery% and then the update time as footer. Might help

        - component: oh-label-card
            action: analyzer
              - MasterBathHumidity26BatteryLevel
            footer: =items.MasterBath_26BatteryLevelTime.displayState
            icon: oh:battery
            iconUseState: true
            item: MasterBathHumidity26BatteryLevel
            title: Master Bath Humidity Battery - 2450
            trendItem: MasterBathHumidity26BatteryLevel

Thanks for the help it’s the “=” that does the magic, after input it now I can select item