Parse data to mqtt


I try to transmit the data of a receiver to the MQTT parser. by item below;

Switch Yamaha_Mute “Mute [% s]” (Yam) {yamaha receiver = “uid = living, zone = main, binding type = mute”, MQTT = "> [emonhub: myhome / receiver: command: *: Receiver was $ {item name} turned $ {command}] "}

However, this works fine when I do this through the app.
However, the status update of the receiver itself will not be sent.
Anyone have any idea how to fix this?

If you changed the outbound mqtt binding string to state instead of command, does that make a difference?

Switch Yamaha_Mute "Mute [%s]" (Yam) {yamahareceiver="uid=living,zone=main,bindingtype=mute", mqtt=">[emonhub:myhome/receiver:state:*:Receiver was ${itemname} turned ${command}]"}

Yes it works thanks!
Every 5 seconds the mqtt is updating.

My new item is:

 Switch Yamaha_Mute "Mute [%s]" (Yam) {yamahareceiver="uid=living,zone=main,bindingtype=mute", mqtt=">[emonhub:myhome/receiver:state:*:Receiver was ${itemname} turned ${state}]"}