Parsing text string for Number item


i do have following Number item in my config which presents the temperature of my heating:

Number HzgAnlage_Kesseltemperatur	  "Temperatur Heizkessel [%.1f °C]" <temperature> (CE_Heizungsanlage) {exec="<[last | tail -n1 /tmp/froeling_data.log:60000:REGEX(.*?([0-9]+).*)]"}

I want to use the exec binding to read in the item’s value from a log file which looks like this:

2016-11-19; 18:40:46;   3.0;   1.0;   0.0;  76.5; 217.0; 241.0; 100.0; 100.0;  99.0;  88.0;  98.0;   5.0;  71.0;  40.0;  55.0;  63.5;   5.5;  49.0;  48.5;  37.0;  32.5; 254.0; 254.0; 6868.0; 114.3;  37.0

I want to read in the value “76.5” as a number and bind it to the item. The item should be read in every 5 minutes.

How could i achieve this?

Thanks a lot.

Answering myself. Problem solved with this solution:

Number HzgAnlage_Kesseltemperatur	  "Holzkessel [%.1f °C]" <temperature> (CE_Heizungsanlage) {exec="<[cat@@/tmp/froeling_data.txt:60000:JS(getKesselTemp.js)]"}

getKesselTemp.js in transform directory

(function(s){var array=s.split(";");return Number(array[5].trim());})(input)