Philips Hue CLIP 2 API v2 Discussion Thread

What do you see in Main UI? As for example in this post

Do you mean this

and this?

Yes. This shows that the binding is aware of those four scenes. Which means that if any of those four are activated from the App then the scene channel will also show that scene activated.

But are you saying that the binding should be aware of more than those four scenes?

No, just those four.

When activating one of these four scenes using the Hue App or the Hue Dimmer Switch, the status of Scene_downstairs remained UNDEF for 3 out of 4 (only Avond beneden was reflected in the status of Scene_downstairs).

However, I did another restart of OH and now all four scenes are reflected in the Scene_downstairs item. Nu clue what was going on but it is fixed. Thanks for your support.

I have a small feature suggestion: you can change lights (including turning some on or off) using a scene, but you cannot send the off command to a scene channel. For that you usually trigger the on-off-only channel (the switch channel doesn’t work for most of my Hue lights). I differentiate this now ‘programmatically’, but it would be convenient to be able to send off to a scene channel too as a special kind of scene.
What do you think?

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I understand what you suggest. However I want to keep the functionality of the binding in line with that of the API and the App. And your suggestion would be cross mixing of sich functions.

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I get that. It was just a thought. :grin:

BTW, I’m very pleased with the scene support and the quick syncing of changes in the new binding! It makes life so much easier.

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where do I find the “groupThingUID” that I need to get the scene hashes for one specific thing?

I can’t find the correct value.

  • I tried the “UID: hue:room:ecb5fafffe2c8738:10” but this is not correct.
  • Also the “resourceID” I get from “hue hue:bridge-api2:ecb5fafffe2c8738 things” does not help.

In hue API-v1 the “hue hue:bridge-api2:ecb5fafffe2c8738 scenes” used to show the room/zone for which the scene was defined. For hue API-v2 I only get a list of scenes - that unfortunately often have the same name - and cannot assign them anymore to a room/zone.


What do you mean by ‘groupThingUID’ and ‘scene hashes’? And why do you need them? It seems that you are using API v2 and that has no concept of stuff like that.

What are you actually trying to do?

EDIT if you want to activate a scene on a room or zone, then select the Item that is assigned to the room or zone thing’s scene channel, and you will see the full list of scenes that belong to that channel

Thanks @AndrewFG,

I want to use the command

Usage: openhab:hue <groupThingUID> scenes - list all the scenes from this group with their id

to get the list of scenes - for each group - and use it in my rules to activate/deactivate the scenes.

If I list all scenes via

Usage: openhab:hue <bridgeUID> scenes - list all the scenes with their id

I just get a list of scenes - but cannot link it to any of the groups:

openhab> hue hue:bridge-api2:<xxxx> scenes
Bridge hue:bridge-api2:ecb5fafffe2c8738 "Philips Hue Bridge" [ipAddress="", applicationKey="qlU31axYjH2mP1M-C6XJgGcmMRnN0pJvEx8g9ePA"] {
  04d6ab0f-5ad8-49d2-8bb3-322188be5879 'Rot'
  075ead7b-e01c-4400-b467-62fc13a4a745 'Konzentrieren'
  0d337672-99b9-4cb5-b6bf-4ee2ee940d69 'Nachtlicht'
  155f2b37-88af-4997-9617-e26c39b4df63 'Nachtlicht'
  3ce55192-3fe9-44b2-87b3-3146825ce5de 'An'
  41be23da-f344-4131-992e-9d095be8b453 'Nachtlicht'
  5173fcad-e188-436a-8126-168cf5842874 'Nachtlicht'
  55858344-4674-47d6-8bba-2252af488969 'Gold'
  627252b1-efa6-490a-bff1-c200e1baa73c 'Blau'
  6ca501db-b8ca-48b1-8116-9ab86c6e02e2 'Konzentrieren'
  704d9eff-d94f-4c1e-bb12-5cf615fe6218 'GrĂŒn'
  880adebd-4c41-4f1a-9411-cd123cb42e9e 'Orange'
  9236ac4a-36d9-474d-9008-00f19162770a 'Nachtlicht'
  9f792def-4433-4a74-9413-de763e260996 'Konzentrieren'
  a70c06a5-045f-4dc7-9347-824065ddf0df 'Nachtlicht'
  adabf385-2aec-46fc-bb72-49f40ec83761 'Konzentrieren'
  badfa93a-fccb-4d06-b067-eada69290f3f 'Nachtlicht'
  bf449f0b-5488-4996-9615-f6c1e3535443 'Konzentrieren'
  c02ecc3e-6dee-4012-a8dc-1bed6bd4a2fc 'Nachtlicht'
  cf44d558-9a00-4454-8722-deabad939449 'Konzentrieren'
  d5dd606c-a53f-476e-9d4c-67682a83a4e1 'Konzentrieren'
  df614cfd-5bcf-47fc-854d-8cf099451c8c 'Konzentrieren'
  fa8a9550-9129-4b38-b49c-5efcbc914f71 'Nachtlicht'
  fb9c6d1a-f39a-45ae-8308-1ae3ee426793 'Konzentrieren'

You dont ‘link’ anything. Each room or zone has a scene channel of type String. To activate a specific scene on that room or zone just set the string “Gold” or whatever to that channel.

Ah, thanks.

That’s then a great improvement of the V2 or the API, that I can use the name of the scene directly.

Good to know.

In this thread some people have complained the API v2 did not support the Color Loop of API v1.

This is to advise that with the latest software release, Philips / Signify have now added support for a ‘Prism’ effect that fulfils this requirement.


i might have overseen the solution, but I keep getting this error in my log and it’s a bit of an eye-sore.

2024-04-02 19:52:34.807 [INFO ] [e.internal.handler.Clip2ThingHandler] - Command 'OFF' for thing 'hue:device:001788fffe74458a:8', channel 'hue:device:001788fffe74458a:8:brightness' succeeded with errors: device (light) is "soft off", command (.dimming.brightness) may not have effect
2024-04-02 19:52:34.858 [INFO ] [e.internal.handler.Clip2ThingHandler] - Command 'OFF' for thing 'hue:device:001788fffe74458a:6', channel 'hue:device:001788fffe74458a:6:brightness' succeeded with errors: device (light) is "soft off", command (.dimming.brightness) may not have effect
2024-04-02 19:52:34.912 [INFO ] [e.internal.handler.Clip2ThingHandler] - Command 'OFF' for thing 'hue:device:001788fffe74458a:7', channel 'hue:device:001788fffe74458a:7:brightness' succeeded with errors: device (light) is "soft off", command (.dimming.brightness) may not have effect

The items are

Group:Dimmer:AVG                gHUE_LV_DINNERTABLE     "Dinnertable [%d %%]"

Dimmer          HUE_LV_DINNERTABLE_CENTER       "Living Room Dinnertable Center"                <light> (gHUE_LV_DINNERTABLE)           {channel="hue:device:001788fffe74458a:6:brightness"}
Dimmer          HUE_LV_DINNERTABLE_LEFT         "Living Room Dinnertable Left"                  <light> (gHUE_LV_DINNERTABLE)           {channel="hue:device:001788fffe74458a:8:brightness"}
Dimmer          HUE_LV_DINNERTABLE_RIGHT        "Living Room Dinnertable Right"                 <light> (gHUE_LV_DINNERTABLE)           {channel="hue:device:001788fffe74458a:7:brightness"}

Any idea what I need to change to stop getting that log-error ?

When a lamp is off, its color, brightness, and other attribute states are (obviously) indeterminate 
 for example: if you use OH to send a command to change the color of an off lamp then obviously its color cannot actually change because it is off. The Hue bridge returns a message to OH to say that it received such command, but could not (yet) implement it. The Hue bridge does cache the new color command value, and applies it the next time that the lamp gets turned on. For this reason the message returned from the Hue bridge is not reported in OH as WARN or ERROR, but rather as INFO.

If you dont like to see these INFO messages you can either a) reduce the log level for this binding, or b) do not send commands to off lamps.

Ahhh, now it all makes sense.
Thank you very much.
As it’s just an eye-sore, I’ll probably just reduce the log-level.

Thanks ever so much.

HI @laursen :
Have you figured out how to integrate to Hue Labs scenes with CLIP API V2? With V1 API I can use the expose CLIP Sensor to control those scenes created with Hue Lab, with V2 API I’m clueless

No. But also you won’t have the need anymore, since Hue Labs is scheduled for removal next month. See Philips Hue CLIP 2 API v2 Discussion Thread - #435 by AndrewFG

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Thanks, bad news, and sounds like new version with less functionality.
I will keep using V1 api until it’s dead

It depends what you would like to accomplish? Did you check out the Hue Labs formula reference guide in the linked announcement?

I think it’s a good thing that many of these experimental features made it into the official API. This makes the integration much smoother. For example I can now directly use the color loop functionality.

You will really be missing out when staying with the v1 API. Having instant events e.g. from buttons/sensors is really nice. :slightly_smiling_face:

According to Philips / Signify that should NOT be the case. According to them the Hue Labs was a platform where they developed new scenes or effects, and once those are stable they would become part of the main features of the API and the App. So (for example) the Hue Labs color loop has become the Prism effect which is now available directly as an effect of the respective lamp (settable either via the App or via the OH API v2 binding).