Philips HUE Motion sensor in OH2?

Jens, Based on this response to a post asking a similar question, I don’t think you can change the update interval, seems it’s fixed at five minutes.

Maby its a setting for the HTTP binding that is only checking for updates every 5 mins ?

Ok, the bridge changes values ​​only every 5 minutes and when the lightlevel changes more than 2000 (important for me). But my problem is that openhab picks up the data only every 5 minutes from the bridge. I think that’s 2 different things.

@Sharpy: It seems to be so. But where can it be set to 5 mins?


maby have a look at the docs for the http binding

HTTP binding can be configured in the file services/http.cfg. However, all configuration properties are optional

Timout can also be configured from paperui addons/bindings/http press pencil

If your timeout is set too 300000 that’s 5 mins

Hope this helped

Thanks for your hints. But the problem still exists.

Here is my complete configuration.


# timeout in milliseconds for the http requests (optional, defaults to 5000)

# the interval in milliseconds when to find new refresh candidates
# (optional, defaults to 1000)

# whether to substitute the current time or state value into the URL
# (optional, defaults to true)

# configuration of the first cache item





// Philips Hue Sensors
// Hue Motion Sensor - motion sensor
Switch HueMotionSensorPresence "Bewegung [%s]" <motion_sensor> { http="<[hueMotionSensorPresence:500:JS(getHuePresence.js)]" }
DateTime HueMotionSensorPresentLastChange "Letzte Änderung [%1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY   %1$tH:%1$tM]" <time> { http="<[hueMotionSensorPresence:15000:JS(getHueLastChange.js)]" }

// Hue Motion Senssor - temperature sensor
Number HueMotionSensorTemperature "Temperatur [%.1f °C]" <temperature> { http="<[hueMotionSensorTemperature:60000:JS(getHueTemperature.js)]" }
DateTime HueMotionSensorTemperatureLastChange "Letzte Änderung [%1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY   %1$tH:%1$tM]" <time> { http="<[hueMotionSensorTemperature:60000:JS(getHueLastChange.js)]" }

// Hue Motion Sensor - ambient light sensor
Number HueMotionSensorIlluminance "Helligkeit [%.1f Lux]" <light> { http="<[hueMotionSensorIlluminance:15000:JS(getHueIlluminance.js)]" }
DateTime HueMotionSensorIlluminanceLastChange "Letzte Änderung [%1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY   %1$tH:%1$tM]" <time> { http="<[hueMotionSensorIlluminance:15000:JS(getHueLastChange.js)]" }
Switch HueMotionSensorDarkness "Dämmerung" <moon> { http="<[hueMotionSensorIlluminance:5000:JS(getHueDark.js)]" }
Switch HueMotionSensorDaylight "Tageslicht" <sun> { http="<[hueMotionSensorIlluminance:5000:JS(getHueDaylight.js)]" }

// Hue Motion Sensor - device
Number HueMotionSensorBatteryLevel "Batterie [%d %%]" <battery> { http="<[hueMotionSensorPresence:60000:JS(getHueBatteryLevel.js)]" }
String HueMotionSensorThingStatus "Verbunden [%s]" <wifi> { http="<[hueMotionSensorPresence:60000:JS(getHueThingStatus.js)]" }


var Timer delay= null
var Last_Illuminance = 0
var Last_Darkness 
var Last_Daylight 
rule "HueMotionSensorPresence"
     Item HueMotionSensorPresence changed
      if(HueMotionSensorPresence.state == ON && HueMotionSensorDaylight.state == OFF)
         //Turn off the light after 90 seconds
        delay = createTimer(now.plusSeconds(90)) 

My gerneral problem with the update intervall is my rule. I only turn the light on if daylight value OFF. When the rule turns the light on then the daylight value change to ON. After 90 seconds light turn automatically off, but the daylight value will not be changed. Thus the light do not turn on for the next 5 minutes (next Update). That is not the sense of using a motion sensor.

I think there should be a better way.