OpenHAB ZigBee Binding funktioniert nicht korrekt | OpenHAB ZigBee Binding does not work correctly

Update - Go to Post 4 and 5
Post 6 is the original post of this thread.

so you do not have a hue hub and are not using the hue binding correct?

I think I have other problems right now :frowning:

(English is as always below.)

Hallo Forum, dieser Post wurde nun editiert, da ich mehr Erkenntnis gesammelt habe.

Das OpenHAB ZigBee Binding scheint nicht korrekt zu funktionieren und ich habe eventuell den Fehler gefunden.
Doch vorab noch ein paar Infos, wie ich zu dem Punkt gelangt bin.

Ich habe ein Philips Hue Bewegungsmelder gekauft und wollte ihn per ZigBee an OpenHAB anbinden.
Hat leider nicht funktioniert, da OpenHAB das GerÀt nicht findet.
ZusÀtzlich habe ich noch ein paar Ledvance Steckdosen zum Verbinden hier.
Zeitlich ist mein ZigBee-Stick kaputt gegangen. Die Firmware auf dem Stick hat es wohl zerschossen, daher musste ich einen neuen kaufen :frowning:
(Hab nichts zum flashen hier)

Mit einem neuen Stick, stoße ich nun wieder an die gleichen Probleme.

  • Stick ist erkannt und eingebunden
  • Nach mehrfachen Ă€ndern der Config und ca. 20 Neustarts des Raspberry Pi’s, findet das Binding die GerĂ€te endlich wieder
    => Das einrichten ist einfach, das scannen nach GerĂ€ten ist wohl schon eine erste große HĂŒrde (Hier das Problem von vor 8 Monaten: ZigBee (CC2531) + Tuya Switch - OH3)
  • Gefundene GerĂ€te können als Thing angelegt werden

Das Problem ist nun, das OpenHAB in Wirklichkeit keinen Plan hat, was

  • fĂŒr einen Stick ich verwende
  • die Verbundenen GerĂ€te ĂŒberhaupt sind

OpenHAB legt XML-Konfigurationen hier an: /var/lib/openhab/zigbee/zigbee_coordinator_cc2531_NAME
Diese sind wohl nicht korrekt ausgefĂŒllt.
Ein GlĂŒck habe ich ein Config-Backup des letzten funktionierenden Standes mit meinem kaputten Stick gemacht und die alten XML-Daten vorrĂ€tig.

Die neue Config es USB-Sticks sieht so aus:


(MAC absichtlich gefÀlscht)

Die Originale Config sieht eigentlich so aus:

    <serverCapabilities class="sorted-set">
    <macCapabilities class="sorted-set">

Das gleiche Spiel konnte ich mit einem Dimmer von 3A Smart Home wiederholen.
Neue Config von OpenHAB:


Eigentliche Config:

    <serverCapabilities class="sorted-set"/>
    <macCapabilities class="sorted-set">
                <name>ZCL Version</name>
                <lastValue class="int">3</lastValue>
                <name>SW Build ID</name>
                <name>Application Version</name>
                <lastValue class="int">0</lastValue>
                <name>Stack Version</name>
                <lastValue class="int">0</lastValue>
                <name>HW Version</name>
                <lastValue class="int">0</lastValue>
                <name>Manufacturer Name</name>
                <lastValue class="string">3A Smart Home DE</lastValue>
                <name>Model Identifier</name>
                <lastValue class="string">LXN56-DS27LX1.3</lastValue>
                <name>Date Code</name>
                <lastValue class="string">20200421</lastValue>
                <name>Power Source</name>
                <name>Generic Device Class</name>
                <name>Generic Device Type</name>
                <name>Product Code</name>
                <name>Product URL</name>
                <name>Location Description</name>
                <name>Physical Environment</name>
                <name>Device Enabled</name>
                <name>Alarm Mask</name>
                <name>Disable Local Config</name>
          <supportedCommandsReceived class="java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableSet">
            <c class="set"/>
          <supportedCommandsGenerated class="java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableSet">
            <c class="set"/>
                <name>Identify Time</name>
          <supportedCommandsReceived class="java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableSet">
            <c class="set"/>
          <supportedCommandsGenerated class="java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableSet">
            <c class="set"/>
                <name>Name Support</name>
          <supportedCommandsReceived class="java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableSet">
            <c class="set"/>
          <supportedCommandsGenerated class="java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableSet">
            <c class="set"/>
                <name>Scene Count</name>
                <name>Current Scene</name>
                <name>Current Group</name>
                <name>Scene Valid</name>
                <name>Name Support</name>
                <name>Last Configured By</name>
          <supportedCommandsReceived class="java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableSet">
            <c class="set"/>
          <supportedCommandsGenerated class="java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableSet">
            <c class="set"/>
                <name>On Off</name>
                <lastValue class="boolean">false</lastValue>
                <name>Global Scene Control</name>
                <name>On Time</name>
                <name>Off Wait Time</name>
                <name>Start Up On Off</name>
          <supportedCommandsReceived class="java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableSet">
            <c class="set"/>
          <supportedCommandsGenerated class="java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableSet">
            <c class="set"/>
                <name>Current Level</name>
                <lastValue class="int">254</lastValue>
                <name>Start Up Current Level</name>
                <name>Remaining Time</name>
                <name>Minimum Level</name>
                <name>Maximum Level</name>
                <name>Current Frequency</name>
                <name>Minimum Frequency</name>
                <name>Maximum Frequency</name>
                <name>On Off Transition Time</name>
                <name>On Level</name>
                <name>On Transition Time</name>
                <name>Off Transition Time</name>
                <name>Default Move Rate</name>
          <supportedCommandsReceived class="java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableSet">
            <c class="set"/>
          <supportedCommandsGenerated class="java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableSet">
            <c class="set"/>
          <supportedAttributes class="java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableSet">
            <c class="set">

Funktionieren tun die GerÀtschaften aber weiterhin dann nicht.
Neue GerĂ€te, von welchen ich z.B. keine XML-Config habe, werden in OpenHAB als “offline” angezeigt, mit der BegrĂŒndung “Node has not completed discovery”.
FĂŒr GerĂ€te fĂŒr die ich eine Config habe, werden zwar als Online angezeigt, sobald ich aber versuche den Wert zu Ă€ndern (z.B. Licht einschalten), gehen sie offline.
Das habe ich z.B. mit dem Philips Hue Bewegungsmelder und den Ledvance Steckdosen.

Wie kann ich das ganze wieder reparieren?
So ist das leicht bescheiden.
Ich wĂŒrde das ganze gerne einfach halten, was das ZigBee-Binding bisher ganz gut geschafft hatte.
Zigbee2Mqtt will ich mir deshalb nicht antun.

Hello forum, this post has now been edited as I have gained more insight.

The OpenHAB ZigBee binding does not seem to work correctly and I may have found the error.
But first some info on how I got to the point.

I bought a Philips Hue motion sensor and wanted to bind it to OpenHAB via ZigBee.
Unfortunately it didn’t work, because OpenHAB doesn’t find the device.
Additionally I have a few Ledvance sockets to connect here.
Time wise, my ZigBee stick broke. I guess the firmware on the stick shot it, so I had to buy a new one :frowning:
(Don’t have anything to flash here).

With a new stick, I now run into the same problems again.

  • Stick is recognized and mounted
  • After several changes of the config and about 20 restarts of the Raspberry Pi, the binding finally finds the devices again.
    => The setup is easy, scanning for devices is probably already a first big hurdle (Here the problem from 8 months ago: ZigBee (CC2531) + Tuya Switch - OH3)
  • Found devices can be created as Thing

The problem is that OpenHAB has no idea what kind of Zigbee-stick I’m using.

  • what kind of stick I am using
  • the connected devices are at all

OpenHAB creates XML configurations here: /var/lib/openhab/zigbee/zigbee_coordinator_cc2531_NAME.
I guess these are not filled in correctly.
Luckily I made a config backup of the last working state with my broken stick and have the old XML data on hand.

The new config it USB sticks looks like this:


(MAC intentionally faked)

The original config actually looks like this:

    <serverCapabilities class="sorted-set">
    <macCapabilities class="sorted-set">

I was able to repeat the same game with a dimmer from 3A Smart Home.
New config from OpenHAB:


Actual Config:

    <serverCapabilities class="sorted-set"/>
    <macCapabilities class="sorted-set">
                <name>ZCL Version</name>
                <lastValue class="int">3</lastValue>
                <name>SW Build ID</name>
                <name>Application Version</name>
                <lastValue class="int">0</lastValue>
                <name>Stack Version</name>
                <lastValue class="int">0</lastValue>
                <name>HW Version</name>
                <lastValue class="int">0</lastValue>
                <name>Manufacturer Name</name>
                <lastValue class="string">3A Smart Home DE</lastValue>
                <name>Model Identifier</name>
                <lastValue class="string">LXN56-DS27LX1.3</lastValue>
                <name>Date Code</name>
                <lastValue class="string">20200421</lastValue>
                <name>Power Source</name>
                <name>Generic Device Class</name>
                <name>Generic Device Type</name>
                <name>Product Code</name>
                <name>Product URL</name>
                <name>Location Description</name>
                <name>Physical Environment</name>
                <name>Device Enabled</name>
                <name>Alarm Mask</name>
                <name>Disable Local Config</name>
          <supportedCommandsReceived class="java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableSet">
            <c class="set"/>
          <supportedCommandsGenerated class="java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableSet">
            <c class="set"/>
                <name>Identify Time</name>
          <supportedCommandsReceived class="java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableSet">
            <c class="set"/>
          <supportedCommandsGenerated class="java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableSet">
            <c class="set"/>
                <name>Name Support</name>
          <supportedCommandsReceived class="java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableSet">
            <c class="set"/>
          <supportedCommandsGenerated class="java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableSet">
            <c class="set"/>
                <name>Scene Count</name>
                <name>Current Scene</name>
                <name>Current Group</name>
                <name>Scene Valid</name>
                <name>Name Support</name>
                <name>Last Configured By</name>
          <supportedCommandsReceived class="java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableSet">
            <c class="set"/>
          <supportedCommandsGenerated class="java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableSet">
            <c class="set"/>
                <name>On Off</name>
                <lastValue class="boolean">false</lastValue>
                <name>Global Scene Control</name>
                <name>On Time</name>
                <name>Off Wait Time</name>
                <name>Start Up On Off</name>
          <supportedCommandsReceived class="java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableSet">
            <c class="set"/>
          <supportedCommandsGenerated class="java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableSet">
            <c class="set"/>
                <name>Current Level</name>
                <lastValue class="int">254</lastValue>
                <name>Start Up Current Level</name>
                <name>Remaining Time</name>
                <name>Minimum Level</name>
                <name>Maximum Level</name>
                <name>Current Frequency</name>
                <name>Minimum Frequency</name>
                <name>Maximum Frequency</name>
                <name>On Off Transition Time</name>
                <name>On Level</name>
                <name>On Transition Time</name>
                <name>Off Transition Time</name>
                <name>Default Move Rate</name>
          <supportedCommandsReceived class="java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableSet">
            <c class="set"/>
          <supportedCommandsGenerated class="java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableSet">
            <c class="set"/>
          <supportedAttributes class="java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableSet">
            <c class="set">

However, the devices still do not work.
New devices, of which I have no XML-Config, are displayed in OpenHAB as “offline” with the reason “Node has not completed discovery”.
For devices for which I have a config, they are shown as online, but as soon as I try to change the value (e.g. turn on the light), they go offline.
I have this e.g. with the Philips Hue motion sensor and the Ledvance sockets.

How can I fix the whole thing again?
It’s slightly humble like that.
I’d like to keep it simple, which the ZigBee binding had managed quite well so far.
Zigbee2Mqtt I therefore do not want to do to myself.

Original post:

Hallo Zusammen,
ich habe einen Philips Hue Bewegungsmelder gekauft und wollte ihn nun in OpenHAB 3 einbauen.
Nach dem 5 oder 6 Anlauf das GerÀt mit meinem CC2531EMK Coordinator zu verbinden, hat es dann auch funktioniert.
Die LED leuchtet kurz grĂŒn und geht dann aus.
OpenHAB hat das GerÀt erkannt und ich kann ihm einen Namen geben.
Sobald ich das GerÀt angelegt habe, bleibt es aber offline.
“Node has not completed discovery”

Ich habe mehrfach nun versucht den Bewegungsmelder neu zu verbinden, aber er bleibt immer “offline”.

Was mach ich falsch?

Hier wurde erfolgreich die Verbindung mit Zigbee2Mqtt hergestellt:

Ich habe das ganze aber mit dem normalen ZigBee-Binding versucht, was scheinbar nicht ganz so gut funktioniert.
Gibt es einen Trick?

Hello All,
I bought a Philips Hue motion sensor and now I wanted to install it in OpenHAB 3.
After the 5 or 6 attempt to connect the device to my CC2531EMK coordinator, it worked.
The LED lights up briefly green and then goes out.
OpenHAB has recognized the device and I can give it a name.
However, once I have created the device, it remains offline.
“Node has not completed discovery”.

I have tried several times now to reconnect the motion detector, but it always stays “offline”.

What am I doing wrong?

Here the connection with Zigbee2Mqtt was successfully established:

However, I tried the whole thing with the normal ZigBee binding, which doesn’t seem to work quite as well.
Is there a trick?

Have a few log entries here from connecting new devices to the ZigBee stick.

2021-08-01 14:11:44.415 [INFO ] [bee.discovery.ZigBeeDiscoveryService] - 7CB03EAA0A0B9D5D: Starting ZigBee device discovery
2021-08-01 14:11:44.438 [INFO ] [bee.discovery.ZigBeeDiscoveryService] - 804B50FFFE5834DA: Starting ZigBee device discovery
2021-08-01 14:11:44.505 [INFO ] [bee.discovery.ZigBeeDiscoveryService] - 7CB03EAA0A0C29F7: Starting ZigBee device discovery
2021-08-01 14:11:44.508 [INFO ] [bee.discovery.ZigBeeDiscoveryService] - 7CB03EAA0A0B9C86: Starting ZigBee device discovery
2021-08-01 14:11:44.519 [INFO ] [bee.discovery.ZigBeeDiscoveryService] - 60A423FFFE93C5C8: Starting ZigBee device discovery
2021-08-01 14:11:44.539 [INFO ] [bee.discovery.ZigBeeDiscoveryService] - 086BD7FFFE405E1A: Starting ZigBee device discovery
2021-08-01 14:12:43.851 [INFO ] [bee.discovery.ZigBeeDiscoveryService] - 7CB03EAA0A0B9C86: Starting ZigBee device discovery
2021-08-01 14:12:43.852 [INFO ] [bee.discovery.ZigBeeDiscoveryService] - 7CB03EAA0A0B9D5D: Starting ZigBee device discovery
2021-08-01 14:12:43.854 [INFO ] [bee.discovery.ZigBeeDiscoveryService] - 7CB03EAA0A0C29F7: Starting ZigBee device discovery
2021-08-01 14:12:43.855 [INFO ] [bee.discovery.ZigBeeDiscoveryService] - 60A423FFFE93C5C8: Starting ZigBee device discovery
2021-08-01 14:12:43.857 [INFO ] [bee.discovery.ZigBeeDiscoveryService] - 804B50FFFE5834DA: Starting ZigBee device discovery
2021-08-01 14:12:47.665 [INFO ] [bee.discovery.ZigBeeDiscoveryService] - 7CB03EAA0A0C3E05: Starting ZigBee device discovery
2021-08-01 14:12:47.674 [INFO ] [g.discovery.internal.PersistentInbox] - Added new thing 'zigbee:device:ZigBeeUsbStick:7cb03eaa0a0c3e05' to inbox.
2021-08-01 14:12:50.030 [ERROR] [converter.ZigBeeConverterSwitchLevel] - 086BD7FFFE405E1A: Error initialising device
2021-08-01 14:12:50.033 [INFO ] [ng.zigbee.handler.ZigBeeThingHandler] - 086BD7FFFE405E1A: Channel zigbee:device:ZigBeeUsbStick:086bd7fffe405e1a:086BD7FFFE405E1A_1_dimmer failed to initialise device
2021-08-01 14:13:22.086 [ERROR] [converter.ZigBeeConverterSwitchLevel] - 086BD7FFFE405E1A: Error initialising device
2021-08-01 14:13:22.087 [INFO ] [bee.discovery.ZigBeeDiscoveryService] - 086BD7FFFE405E1A: Channel zigbee:device:ZigBeeUsbStick:086bd7fffe405e1a:086BD7FFFE405E1A_1_dimmer failed to initialise device

After much testing, opening a Github issue and ordering new sticks, I now have a result.

The problem is still not exactly definable.
It is probably related to the firmware of the stick and the OpenHAB binding.

I have now bought a 2652P - which can not be controlled directly by the binding - and installed zigbee2mqtt as well as mosquitto.
And suddenly everything is recognized without problems.
I will work with zigbee2mqtt from now on instead of using the ZigBee binding.
Seems to me to work more smoothly, even if it is a little more configuration effort.

Correct - this is not supported. I did suggest to you to use an Ember dongle a this is what all my commercial users are using - if you go and buy an unsupported dongle, then it won’t work :wink: