I defined rule which start heating when the temperature from sensor is less than 20,5 Celsius degree. The conditions is defined as folowing on the picture:
and condition:
but then in the log I see:
Received a QuantityType state '22.27778 °C' with unit for item Temperaturagorakorytarz_Temperature, but the condition is defined as a plain number without unit (20,5), please consider adding a unit to the condition for rule PowerPlug04-GrzejnikON.
When I chenged the state from “20,5” to “20,5 °C” then the rule is always started evene the temperaturr from sensor is over 20,5. But after change to “20,5 °C” then in the log is no woarings.
So I have the questions:
- How to corretly define the value in the rule? With the unit (like °C, kW, etc) or without the unit?
- Why the rule operate on the vaules with unit and in the logs I see message as above? It is easier to operate on the native values in the rule because in this way I must be not sure that I putted correct ascii chars like “°C”.
What is the best way to do that?