I’ve gotten a couple of these working.
My setup is the following:
- Rpi1 with Raspian Jessie and Bluetooth dongle
- I run a script every hour to check the status
- I send data to Openhab using mqtt
I use this script for firmware 2.6.6 to be able to read values:
Running the supplied demo I will get this output:
pi@colibri:~/miflora $ python3 demo.py
Getting data from Mi Flora
FW: 2.6.6
Name: Flower care
Temperature: 21.8
Moisture: 56
Light: 73
Conductivity: 2822
Battery: 100
I will order more sensor right away, seems to me you get quite much for 11$.
I will use my Rpi1 with bluetooth dongle to detect presence as well see @rlkoshak post about presence.
Regards, S