Please help test fix for image and chart refresh in classic web UI

I have followed your instructions above, but still have the same flicker with your file in the addons folder as with the original file in the plugins folder

@WayneStronach, what kind of flicker, exactly? The fix that appears in the test JAR is also part of the 1.8.2 maintenance release, so there would be no difference between them in this regard.

The screen blanks then redraws - this happens every 2-10 seconds. It is different to the normal updates where the graph updates but most of the screen remains stable. This is new behaviour - I have been running openhab for about 8 months and only noticed it in last week or so.

What does your sitemap look like? Are your refresh= options on Chart and Image widgets set using milliseconds?

Typical chart:

Text item=cpuCombined icon=“line” {
Frame {
Switch item=cpuCombinedPeriod label=“Period” mappings=[0=“1h”, 1=“4h”, 2=“8h”,3=“12h”,4=“24h”,5=“3D”,6=“7D”,7=“2W”,8=“M”,9=“2M”,10=“4M”,11=“Y” ]
Chart item=cpuCombined period=h refresh=12000 visibility=[cpuCombinedPeriod==0, cpuCombinedPeriod==“Uninitialized”]
Chart item=cpuCombined period=4h refresh=12000 visibility=[cpuCombinedPeriod==1]
Chart item=cpuCombined period=8h refresh=12000 visibility=[cpuCombinedPeriod==2]
Chart item=cpuCombined period=12h refresh=12000 visibility=[cpuCombinedPeriod==3]
Chart item=cpuCombined period=D refresh=12000 visibility=[cpuCombinedPeriod==4]
Chart item=cpuCombined period=3D refresh=12000 visibility=[cpuCombinedPeriod==5]
Chart item=cpuCombined period=W refresh=12000 visibility=[cpuCombinedPeriod==6]
Chart item=cpuCombined period=2W refresh=12000 visibility=[cpuCombinedPeriod==7]
Chart item=cpuCombined period=M refresh=12000 visibility=[cpuCombinedPeriod==8]
Chart item=cpuCombined period=2M refresh=12000 visibility=[cpuCombinedPeriod==9]
Chart item=cpuCombined period=4M refresh=12000 visibility=[cpuCombinedPeriod==10]
Chart item=cpuCombined period=Y refresh=12000 visibility=[cpuCombinedPeriod==11]

I use a similar approach for looking at historical temperatures, and I don’t see such frequent refreshes as you describe. I do see unwanted refreshes every minute or so, but that is due to the long-polling nature of the Classic UI and was not addressed by my change. One test you could do would be to have a chart in its own frame with no other widgets, and see if it’s refreshing only when you set it to. I noticed that charts and images that don’t share a frame with other widgets don’t seem to have to unwanted refresh every minute or so.

I have just upgraded to 1.8.3 from 1.8.1 and my charts start to flash. They were stable on 1.8.1. but of course did update.

On one page I have three charts and they might now be stable within the refresh time of 12000 ms but frequently also flashes 2-6 times within a couple of seconds or so, then stabilizes, then flashes and so on.

The same happens for frames with just one chart, it might flash for 4-5 times within a couple of seconds.
This is not just a redraw within a stable chart, it is a flash where the chart disappears momentarily and then redraws rapidly several times so it is really flashing and utmost irritating.

I have tested this on two different installations and behavior is the same (one Rpi3 with Jessie Lite and Openhab installed via apt-get from repository, one Rpi2 with Jessie and Openhab manually installed).

I took a chance and tried to use the webapp jar for 1.8.1 (actually labeled 1.8.0) for 1.8.3 but that screwed up things.

Presumably there are a bunch of needed updates in 1.8.3 otherwise I would rollback to 1.8.1 again.

You could downgrade the classic UI in openHAB 1.8.3 by removing the JAR from its normal location, and putting your replacement in the addons folder.

There were serious bugs in the classic UI that were resolved in 1.8.3, so downgrading will re-surface those bugs.

At least some of the flashing of charts you see is due to the long-polling nature of the Classic UI. If you had a page in your sitemap that had no widgets other than Chart widgets, you would probably see less/no flashing. You should also verify that your chart refresh cycles aren’t too short.

Many thanks for your support.
I have not encountered anything I have not been able to do a work-around for in the 1.8.1 version so I will try that option. My update is 12000 millis and I may try to move some charts to a separate page as a first measure also.

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