Plex Binding 1.8.2 and 1.8.3 not working


i used the Plex binding for month but some weeks ago it stop working. Because lag of time i tried now to get it working again but with no chance. I use openhab 1.8.3 and Plex binding in same version. I set up the server info in cfg file and different clients in items and sitemap like i had before. But no matter what client i try (PMP on Raspberry, Xbox, iPad, iphone) i do not get info like status, title or endgame like i got month before. Server is set to Prefer secure connections only.

I have no idea what i could still try now, maybe someone here has an idea or maybe a solution.

Hi Christian,

It’s going to quite difficult to assist you further without further information from your setup. To start with could you provide your config files. Remember to remove anything that could identify your account.



Here you finde the openhab.cfg of Plex, the items and sitemap code i use synth month.

Binding is 1.8.3 and openhab is 1.8.3, Plex media server and clients are the latest Plex pass version. Clients Raspberry Pi with PMP, iPad, iphone and xbox one.

############################### Plex Binding ##########################################
# IP address of the Plex server

# Optional, port that the Plex server is running on. Default = 32400

# Refresh interval in ms. Default = 5000. 



# Plex password

//Plex Items
Switch PlexTVPower      "Power"         <plex>     {plex="clientID-1234567890#power"}
String PlexTVStatus     "Status [%s]"   <plex>     {plex="clientID-1234567890#state"}
String PlexTVTitle      "Title [%s]"    <plex>     {plex="clientID-1234567890#title"}
String PlexTVType       "Type [%s]"     <plex>     {plex="clientID-1234567890#type"}

Dimmer PlexTVProgress   "Progress [%.1f%%]"    <plex>    {plex="clientID-1234567890#playback/progress"}
DateTime PlexTVEndTime  "End time [%1$tR]"     <plex>    {plex="clientID-1234567890#playback/endTime"}

Dimmer PlexTVVolume     "Volume"        <plex>     {plex="clientID-1234567890#playback/volume"}
Switch PlexTVPause      "Pause"         <plex>     {plex="clientID-1234567890#playback/pause"}
Switch PlexTVPlay       "Play"          <plex>     {plex="clientID-1234567890#playback/play"}
Switch PlexTVStop       "Stop"          <plex>     {plex="clientID-1234567890#playback/stop"}

Switch PlexTVSelect     "Select"        <plex>     {plex="clientID-1234567890#navigation/select"}
Switch PlexTVBack       "Back"          <plex>     {plex="clientID-1234567890#navigation/back"}
Switch PlexTVUp         "Up"            <plex>     {plex="clientID-1234567890#navigation/moveUp"}
Switch PlexTVDown       "Down"          <plex>     {plex="clientID-1234567890#navigation/moveDown"}
Switch PlexTVLeft       "Left"          <plex>     {plex="clientID-1234567890#navigation/moveLeft"}
Switch PlexTVRight      "Right"         <plex>     {plex="clientID-1234567890#navigation/moveRight"}

Switch PlexTVForward    "Forward"       <plex>     {plex="clientID-1234567890#playback/stepForward"}
Switch PlexTVReverse    "Reverse"       <plex>     {plex="clientID-1234567890#playback/stepBack"}

//Sitemap Code

    Text item=PlexTVTitle visibility=[PlexTVStatus=="Playing"]
    Text item=PlexTVEndTime label="Plex End time [%1$tR]" visibility=[PlexTVStatus=="Playing"]

    //livingroom page
    Frame label="Plex" visibility=[PlexTVPower==ON]{

        //Switch item=PlexTVPower
        Text item=PlexTVStatus visibility=[PlexTVStatus=="Stopped"]
        Setpoint item=PlexTVProgress visibility=[PlexTVStatus!="Stopped"] minValue=0 maxValue=100 step=1
        Text item=PlexTVEndTime visibility=[PlexTVStatus!="Stopped"]
        Text item=PlexTVTitle visibility=[PlexTVStatus!="Stopped"]
        //Text item=PlexTVType visibility=[PlexTVStatus!="Stopped"]

        Text item=PlexTVTitle label="Plex Controls" visibility=[PlexTVPower==ON]{
            Switch item=PlexTVPause
            Switch item=PlexTVPlay
            Switch item=PlexTVStop mappings=[ON="Stop"]
            //Slider item=PlexTVVolume

            Switch item=PlexTVSelect mappings=[ON="Select"]
            Switch item=PlexTVBack mappings=[ON="Back"]
            Switch item=PlexTVUp mappings=[ON="⬆"]
            Switch item=PlexTVDown mappings=[ON="⬇"]
            Switch item=PlexTVLeft mappings=[ON="⬅"]
            Switch item=PlexTVRight mappings=[ON="➡"]

            //Switch item=PlexTVForward mappings=[ON="⤏"]
            //Switch item=PlexTVReverse mappings=[ON="⤎"]		        	



I’ve had similar problem with Plex binding. Adding OH IP address to the “List of IP addresses and networks that are allowed without auth” (even though my Plex and OH server are located on the same computer) solved the problem. I guess the problem was Plex Media Server update, which introduced that security setting. You can find this option in the Web UI of the Plex Media Server:

  1. Go to settings
  2. Choose Server
  3. Click Show advanced button
  4. Choose Network in the side menu
  5. The option should be located near the bottom

Just add your OH IP address there, and it should work.

Best regards,

1 Like

Tried that but without luck, still not working

Have you checked to make sure you haven’t changed token by looking at the device list. if memory serves me right. I’ve noticed this in the past where I’ve had to reboot my Plex server.

Token is up to date :frowning:

Hmmm, I tried your items and sitemap with my setup and it worked fine. I’m running 1.8.3 of OH. Not sure where else you could look.

Have you tried allowing http connections to the plex server instead of https?