Plugwise Binding: Looking for testers of Scan, Sense, Stealth, Switch support

Hello again! Do the log files in /var/log/openhab2 show any Plugwise related warnings/errors?

Maybe you can show contents the plugwise.cfg / plugwise.items and default.sitemap and tell which sitemap items don’t work? An extra pair of eyes may spot something.


############################### Plugwise Binding #######################################



















sitemap default label=“PLUGWISE-MODULE”
Frame label=“Pioneer” {
Switch item=Pioneer_Switch
Text item=Pioneer_Power
Text item=Pioneer_Power_Stamp

Frame label="Blu-ray" {
    Switch item=Blueray_Switch
    Text item=Blueray_Power
    Text item=Blueray_Last_Hour

Frame label="Fritzbox" {
    Switch item=Fritzbox_Switch
    Text item=Fritzbox_Power
    Text item=Fritzbox_Last_Hour


Frame label="Homematic" {
    Switch item=HOMEMATIC_Switch
    Text item=HOMEMATIC_Power
    Text item=HOMEMATIC_Last_Hour


Frame label="BOSE Soundtouch20-Wohnzimmer" {
    Switch item=BOSESoundtouch20WZ_Switch
    Text item=BOSESoundtouch20WZ_Power
    Text item=BOSESoundtouch20WZ_Last_Hour


Frame label="HP Drucker - Arbeitszimmer" {
    Switch item=Drucker_Switch
    Text item=Drucker_Power
    Text item=Drucker_Last_Hour


Frame label="Kamera Flur" {
    Switch item=KameraFlur_Switch
    Text item=KameraFlur_Power
    Text item=KameraFlur_Last_Hour


Frame label="Kühlschrank" {
    Switch item=Kuehlschrank_Switch
    Text item=Kuehlschrank_Power
    Text item=Kuehlschrank_Last_Hour


Frame label="MAC-Mini" {
    Switch item=MACMini_Switch
    Text item=MACMini_Power
    Text item=MACMini_Last_Hour


Frame label="Monitor-Sofa - links" {
    Switch item=MonitorSofalinks_Switch
    Text item=MonitorSofalinks_Power
    Text item=MonitorSofalinks_Last_Hour


Frame label="Monitor-Sofa - rechts" {
    Switch item=MonitorSofarechts_Switch
    Text item=MonitorSofarechts_Power
    Text item=MonitorSofarechts_Last_Hour


Frame label="NAS-QNAP-Wohnzimmer" {
    Switch item=NASQNAPWZ_Switch
    Text item=NASQNAPWZ_Power
    Text item=NASQNAPWZ_Last_Hour


Frame label="Philips hue" {
    Switch item=Philipshue_Switch
    Text item=Philipshue_Power
    Text item=Philipshue_Last_Hour


Frame label="SONY-TV" {
    Switch item=Fernseher_Switch
    Text item=Fernseher_Power
    Text item=Fernseher_Last_Hour


Frame label="Alexa" {
    Switch item=Alexa_Switch
    Text item=Alexa_Power
    Text item=Alexa_Last_Hour


Frame label="Staubsauger-Wohnzimmer" {
    Switch item=Staubsauger_Switch
    Text item=Staubsauger_Power
    Text item=Staubsauger_Last_Hour


Frame label="Switch-Netgear-JG524v2-Wohnzimmer" {
    Switch item=SwitchNetgearJG524v2WZ_Switch
    Text item=SwitchNetgearJG524v2WZ_Power
    Text item=SwitchNetgearJG524v2WZ_Last_Hour



Switch Pioneer_Switch “Schalter” { plugwise="[ON:pioneer:state:15], [OFF:pioneer:state:15]" }
Number Pioneer_Power “Power [%.1f Watt]” { plugwise="[pioneer:power:10]"}
DateTime Pioneer_Power_Stamp “Power stamp [%1$tY-%1$tm-%1$td %1$tH:%1$tM:%1$tS]” { plugwise="[pioneer:power-stamp:15]" }

Switch Blueray_Switch “Schalter” { plugwise="[ON:blueray:state:15], [OFF:blueray:state:15]" }
Number Blueray_Power “Power [%.1f Watt]” { plugwise="[blueray:power:10]"}
Number Blueray_Last_Hour “Last hour [%.3f kWh]” { plugwise="[blueray:lasthour:60]" }

Switch Fritzbox_Switch “Schalter” { plugwise="[ON:fritzbox:state:15], [OFF:fritzbox:state:15]" }
Number Fritzbox_Power “Power [%.1f Watt]” { plugwise="[fritzbox:power:10]"}
Number Fritzbox_Last_Hour “Last hour [%.3f kWh]” { plugwise="[fritzbox:lasthour:60]" }

Switch HOMEMATIC_Switch “Schalter” { plugwise="[ON:HOMEMATIC:state:15], [OFF:HOMEMATIC:state:15]" }
Number HOMEMATIC_Power “Power [%.1f Watt]” { plugwise="[HOMEMATIC:power:10]"}
Number HOMEMATIC_Last_Hour “Last hour [%.3f kWh]” { plugwise="[HOMEMATIC:lasthour:60]" }

Switch BOSESoundtouch20WZ_Switch “Schalter” { plugwise="[ON:BOSESoundtouch20WZ:state:15], [OFF:BOSESoundtouch20WZ:state:15]" }
Number BOSESoundtouch20WZ_Power “Power [%.1f Watt]” { plugwise="[BOSESoundtouch20WZ:power:10]"}
Number BOSESoundtouch20WZ_Last_Hour “Last hour [%.3f kWh]” { plugwise="[BOSESoundtouch20WZ:lasthour:60]" }

Switch Drucker_Switch “Schalter” { plugwise="[ON:Drucker:state:15], [OFF:Drucker:state:15]" }
Number Drucker_Power “Power [%.1f Watt]” { plugwise="[Drucker:power:10]"}
Number Drucker_Last_Hour “Last hour [%.3f kWh]” { plugwise="[Drucker:lasthour:60]" }

Switch KameraFlur_Switch “Schalter” { plugwise="[ON:KameraFlur:state:15], [OFF:KameraFlur:state:15]" }
Number KameraFlur_Power “Power [%.1f Watt]” { plugwise="[KameraFlur:power:10]"}
Number KameraFlur_Last_Hour “Last hour [%.3f kWh]” { plugwise="[KameraFlur:lasthour:60]" }

Switch Kuehlschrank_Switch “Schalter” { plugwise="[ON:Kuehlschrank:state:15], [OFF:Kuehlschrank:state:15]" }
Number Kuehlschrank_Power “Power [%.1f Watt]” { plugwise="[Kuehlschrank:power:10]"}
Number Kuehlschrank_Last_Hour “Last hour [%.3f kWh]” { plugwise="[Kuehlschrank:lasthour:60]" }

Switch MACMini_Switch “Schalter” { plugwise="[ON:MACMini:state:15], [OFF:MACMini:state:15]" }
Number MACMini_Power “Power [%.1f Watt]” { plugwise="[MACMini:power:10]"}
Number MACMini_Last_Hour “Last hour [%.3f kWh]” { plugwise="[MACMini:lasthour:60]" }

Switch MonitorSofalinks_Switch “Schalter” { plugwise="[ON:MonitorSofalinks:state:15], [OFF:MonitorSofalinks:state:15]" }
Number MonitorSofalinks_Power “Power [%.1f Watt]” { plugwise="[MonitorSofalinks:power:10]"}
Number MonitorSofalinks_Last_Hour “Last hour [%.3f kWh]” { plugwise="[MonitorSofalinks:lasthour:60]" }

Switch MonitorSofarechts_Switch “Schalter” { plugwise="[ON:MonitorSofarechts:state:15], [OFF:MonitorSofarechts:state:15]" }
Number MonitorSofarechts_Power “Power [%.1f Watt]” { plugwise="[MonitorSofarechts:power:10]"}
Number MonitorSofarechts_Last_Hour “Last hour [%.3f kWh]” { plugwise="[MonitorSofarechts:lasthour:60]" }

Switch NASQNAPWZ_Switch “Schalter” { plugwise="[ON:NASQNAPWZ:state:15], [OFF:NASQNAPWZ:state:15]" }
Number NASQNAPWZ_Power “Power [%.1f Watt]” { plugwise="[NASQNAPWZ:power:10]"}
Number NASQNAPWZ_Last_Hour “Last hour [%.3f kWh]” { plugwise="[NASQNAPWZ:lasthour:60]" }

Switch Philipshue_Switch “Schalter” { plugwise="[ON:Philipshue:state:15], [OFF:Philipshue:state:15]" }
Number Philipshue_Power “Power [%.1f Watt]” { plugwise="[Philipshue:power:10]"}
Number Philipshue_Last_Hour “Last hour [%.3f kWh]” { plugwise="[Philipshue:lasthour:60]" }

Switch Fernseher_Switch “Schalter” { plugwise="[ON:Fernseher:state:15], [OFF:Fernseher:state:15]" }
Number Fernseher_Power “Power [%.1f Watt]” { plugwise="[Fernseher:power:10]"}
Number Fernseher_Last_Hour “Last hour [%.3f kWh]” { plugwise="[Fernseher:lasthour:60]" }

Switch Alexa_Switch “Schalter” { plugwise="[ON:Alexa:state:15], [OFF:Alexa:state:15]" }
Number Alexa_Power “Power [%.1f Watt]” { plugwise="[Alexa:power:10]"}
Number Alexa_Last_Hour “Last hour [%.3f kWh]” { plugwise="[Alexa:lasthour:60]" }

Switch Staubsauger_Switch “Schalter” { plugwise="[ON:Staubsauger:state:15], [OFF:Staubsauger:state:15]" }
Number Staubsauger_Power “Power [%.1f Watt]” { plugwise="[Staubsauger:power:10]"}
Number Staubsauger_Last_Hour “Last hour [%.3f kWh]” { plugwise="[Staubsauger:lasthour:60]" }

Switch SwitchNetgearJG524v2WZ_Switch “Schalter” { plugwise="[ON:SwitchNetgearJG524v2WZ:state:15], [OFF:SwitchNetgearJG524v2WZ:state:15]" }
Number SwitchNetgearJG524v2WZ_Power “Power [%.1f Watt]” { plugwise="[SwitchNetgearJG524v2WZ:power:10]"}
Number SwitchNetgearJG524v2WZ_Last_Hour “Last hour [%.3f kWh]” { plugwise="[SwitchNetgearJG524v2WZ:lasthour:60]" }


2016-12-18 10:03:08.374 [WARN ] [ng.plugwise.internal.PlugwiseBinding] - Plugwise can not add a valid device without a proper MAC address. KameraFlur can not be used
2016-12-18 10:03:08.375 [ERROR] [ng.plugwise.internal.PlugwiseBinding] - Error scheduling a Quartz Job for a non-defined Plugwise device (KameraFlur)
2016-12-18 10:03:08.376 [WARN ] [ng.plugwise.internal.PlugwiseBinding] - Plugwise can not add a valid device without a proper MAC address. Drucker can not be used
2016-12-18 10:03:08.377 [ERROR] [ng.plugwise.internal.PlugwiseBinding] - Error scheduling a Quartz Job for a non-defined Plugwise device (Drucker)


Not working are:

HP Drucker - Arbeitszimmer
Kamera Flur

The sitemap items and cfg file look good! I checked them for errors and loaded them in Designer and my development openHAB instance and none of them had any issues with the files.

Can you check if your log files also contain warnings for the MACs like:

2016-12-12 09:01:11.124 [WARN ] [ng.plugwise.internal.PlugwiseBinding] - Plugwise can not add device with name: light and MAC address: 000D6F0000414243, the same MAC address is already used by device with name: 000D6F0000414243

If so, you may be having the same issue I had. It was fixed/merged this week. When you update to the latest openHAB build, this issue should be resolved.

If this does not solve it, maybe you can see if the openHAB logfiles contain more warnings that have to do with the MACs/devices you are having issues with.

No, I don´t have that message in my log.

What´s the version you talk about? 1.8.3?

What´s the best way to update. Just do “sudo apt-get upgrade” ???


wget ""
dpkg -i openhab2-offline-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT.deb
rm -rf /var/lib/openhab2/cache/*
rm -rf /var/lib/openhab2/tmp/*

The binding has its own version (1.9.0-SNAPSHOT). The latest version of the Plugwise Binding is part of the openHAB 2.0 SNAPSHOT distribution. So if you upgrade with one of the above methods you should get that fix. Both have worked for me. I’ve successfully done the sudo apt-get upgrade today on my Raspberry Pi.

As a habit I still always manually cleanup the cache/tmp dirs after the upgrade. But I read that it should do that automatically now.

Made the update, but still the same. Even after reboot:

2016-12-21 21:47:32.814 [WARN ] [ng.plugwise.internal.PlugwiseBinding] - Plugwise can not add a valid device without a proper MAC address. SwitchNetgearJG524v2WZ can not be used
2016-12-21 21:47:32.815 [ERROR] [ng.plugwise.internal.PlugwiseBinding] - Error scheduling a Quartz Job for a non-defined Plugwise device (SwitchNetgearJG524v2WZ)
2016-12-21 21:47:32.816 [WARN ] [ng.plugwise.internal.PlugwiseBinding] - Plugwise can not add a valid device without a proper MAC address. KameraFlur can not be used
2016-12-21 21:47:32.817 [ERROR] [ng.plugwise.internal.PlugwiseBinding] - Error scheduling a Quartz Job for a non-defined Plugwise device (KameraFlur)
2016-12-21 21:47:32.818 [WARN ] [ng.plugwise.internal.PlugwiseBinding] - Plugwise can not add a valid device without a proper MAC address. Drucker can not be used
2016-12-21 21:47:32.820 [ERROR] [ng.plugwise.internal.PlugwiseBinding] - Error scheduling a Quartz Job for a non-defined Plugwise device (Drucker)
2016-12-21 21:47:32.821 [WARN ] [ng.plugwise.internal.PlugwiseBinding] - Plugwise can not add a valid device without a proper MAC address. Drucker can not be used
2016-12-21 21:47:32.822 [ERROR] [ng.plugwise.internal.PlugwiseBinding] - Error scheduling a Quartz Job for a non-defined Plugwise device (Drucker)
2016-12-21 21:47:37.825 [WARN ] [ng.plugwise.internal.PlugwiseBinding] - Plugwise can not add a valid device without a proper MAC address. Drucker can not be used
2016-12-21 21:47:37.827 [ERROR] [ng.plugwise.internal.PlugwiseBinding] - Error scheduling a Quartz Job for a non-defined Plugwise device (Drucker)
2016-12-21 21:47:37.828 [WARN ] [ng.plugwise.internal.PlugwiseBinding] - Plugwise can not add a valid device without a proper MAC address. Alexa can not be used
2016-12-21 21:47:37.829 [ERROR] [ng.plugwise.internal.PlugwiseBinding] - Error scheduling a Quartz Job for a non-defined Plugwise device (Alexa)
2016-12-21 21:47:37.830 [WARN ] [ng.plugwise.internal.PlugwiseBinding] - Plugwise can not add a valid device without a proper MAC address. Fernseher can not be used
2016-12-21 21:47:37.831 [ERROR] [ng.plugwise.internal.PlugwiseBinding] - Error scheduling a Quartz Job for a non-defined Plugwise device (Fernseher)
2016-12-21 21:47:37.832 [WARN ] [ng.plugwise.internal.PlugwiseBinding] - Plugwise can not add a valid device without a proper MAC address. Alexa can not be used
2016-12-21 21:47:37.833 [ERROR] [ng.plugwise.internal.PlugwiseBinding] - Error scheduling a Quartz Job for a non-defined Plugwise device (Alexa)
2016-12-21 21:47:37.834 [WARN ] [ng.plugwise.internal.PlugwiseBinding] - Plugwise can not add a valid device without a proper MAC address. SwitchNetgearJG524v2WZ can not be used
2016-12-21 21:47:37.835 [ERROR] [ng.plugwise.internal.PlugwiseBinding] - Error scheduling a Quartz Job for a non-defined Plugwise device (SwitchNetgearJG524v2WZ)
2016-12-21 21:47:37.836 [WARN ] [ng.plugwise.internal.PlugwiseBinding] - Plugwise can not add a valid device without a proper MAC address. Fernseher can not be used
2016-12-21 21:47:37.837 [ERROR] [ng.plugwise.internal.PlugwiseBinding] - Error scheduling a Quartz Job for a non-defined Plugwise device (Fernseher)
2016-12-21 21:47:37.838 [WARN ] [ng.plugwise.internal.PlugwiseBinding] - Plugwise can not add a valid device without a proper MAC address. Fernseher can not be used
2016-12-21 21:47:37.839 [ERROR] [ng.plugwise.internal.PlugwiseBinding] - Error scheduling a Quartz Job for a non-defined Plugwise device (Fernseher)
2016-12-21 21:47:37.840 [WARN ] [ng.plugwise.internal.PlugwiseBinding] - Plugwise can not add a valid device without a proper MAC address. SwitchNetgearJG524v2WZ can not be used
2016-12-21 21:47:37.841 [ERROR] [ng.plugwise.internal.PlugwiseBinding] - Error scheduling a Quartz Job for a non-defined Plugwise device (SwitchNetgearJG524v2WZ)
2016-12-21 21:47:37.842 [WARN ] [ng.plugwise.internal.PlugwiseBinding] - Plugwise can not add a valid device without a proper MAC address. KameraFlur can not be used
2016-12-21 21:47:37.843 [ERROR] [ng.plugwise.internal.PlugwiseBinding] - Error scheduling a Quartz Job for a non-defined Plugwise device (KameraFlur)
2016-12-21 21:47:37.845 [WARN ] [ng.plugwise.internal.PlugwiseBinding] - Plugwise can not add a valid device without a proper MAC address. KameraFlur can not be used
2016-12-21 21:47:37.846 [ERROR] [ng.plugwise.internal.PlugwiseBinding] - Error scheduling a Quartz Job for a non-defined Plugwise device (KameraFlur)
2016-12-21 21:47:37.848 [WARN ] [ng.plugwise.internal.PlugwiseBinding] - Plugwise can not add a valid device without a proper MAC address. Alexa can not be used
2016-12-21 21:47:37.850 [ERROR] [ng.plugwise.internal.PlugwiseBinding] - Error scheduling a Quartz Job for a non-defined Plugwise device (Alexa)
2016-12-21 21:47:37.851 [WARN ] [ng.plugwise.internal.PlugwiseBinding] - Plugwise can not add a valid device without a proper MAC address. SwitchNetgearJG524v2WZ can not be used
2016-12-21 21:47:37.852 [ERROR] [ng.plugwise.internal.PlugwiseBinding] - Error scheduling a Quartz Job for a non-defined Plugwise device (SwitchNetgearJG524v2WZ)
2016-12-21 21:47:37.854 [WARN ] [ng.plugwise.internal.PlugwiseBinding] - Plugwise can not add a valid device without a proper MAC address. KameraFlur can not be used
2016-12-21 21:47:37.854 [ERROR] [ng.plugwise.internal.PlugwiseBinding] - Error scheduling a Quartz Job for a non-defined Plugwise device (KameraFlur)
2016-12-21 21:47:37.856 [WARN ] [ng.plugwise.internal.PlugwiseBinding] - Plugwise can not add a valid device without a proper MAC address. Drucker can not be used
2016-12-21 21:47:37.857 [ERROR] [ng.plugwise.internal.PlugwiseBinding] - Error scheduling a Quartz Job for a non-defined Plugwise device (Drucker)
2016-12-21 21:47:37.858 [WARN ] [ng.plugwise.internal.PlugwiseBinding] - Plugwise can not add a valid device without a proper MAC address. Drucker can not be used
2016-12-21 21:47:37.858 [ERROR] [ng.plugwise.internal.PlugwiseBinding] - Error scheduling a Quartz Job for a non-defined Plugwise device (Drucker)

Aren’t there any other Plugwise exceptions/warnings when you have just started openHAB?
As a workaround you could also replace the names like Drucker etc. in the .items files with the MAC addresses.

Or you could retry to remove the binding configuration again from openHAB, that is necessary when you have renamed those devices:

/usr/share/openhab2/runtime/bin/client config:delete org.openhab.plugwise

Then restart openHAB again using:
sudo service openhab2 restart


I think it looks good now! Thanks a lot for your help!

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That’s great! :slight_smile:

I am sorry if this is thread necromancing, but it looked to me like this is the best place to ask.

I am using the plugwise addon and everything works fine, except it seems the circle+ returns negative values.

Whereas other circles say for example 5W usage the circle+ says -5W usage.

Is this some firmware issue of the circle+? And is there a way in openHab to get these values flipped (*-1)

It should already correct the sign to an absolute value:

    private double correctSign(double value) {
        return configuration.isSuppliesPower() ? -Math.abs(value) : Math.abs(value);

So it should only update the state with negative values when the “Supplies power” configuration parameter is enabled on a Circle(+).

This is what it looks like when the setting is disabled. :slight_smile: :


1 Like

Thanks, that was indeed the problem. I must have turned that one during the initial experimenting and setup.

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