POPP Z-Rain (700168) immediate notification on rain?

Try to add this channel:

Number RainSensor01_Battery  			"Regensensor [%d %%]"  								{channel="zwave:device:xxx:node13:battery-level"}

this channel should receive messages in a regualr time. The other channels only on event.

You can try to open the device and active the seesaw. Then wait some minutes and an event should be triggered this channel. But this takes time, I think only every 7 min. an event will be send if it has happened.

Number RainSensor01_general  			"Regensensor [%.1f mm/h]"  							{ channel="zwave:device:xxx:node13:sensor_general"}

This means an immidiate notification about rain is not possible. It must rain as much as needed to activate the seesaw and then it takes 7min to send this to OH.

Can you share your rules?
