Preparation for 2.5M2

This is exactly the plan - fix the blocking regressions and do a new milestone build by then. Milestones are not meant to be “release quality”, so no need to do a fine-grained issue tracking across all bindings etc. It is ok if milestones have bugs, but they should be usable in general.

@noppes123 Thanks for your input. I think what we have in place more or less exactly matches, what you describe: The official releases (target: twice a year) are the “stable” ones, the milestones are the “previews” and the snapshots are the “insiders” builds.

It is only that the whole bnd-build change disrupted our schedule since January and we didn’t have monthly milestone builds since then - this is what we are trying to get back to.

@5iver & all: What do you see as critical bugs left that need to be fixed before a 2.5.0.M2? The CPU load issue is imho one, another one might be the CCE in the SSEActivator. Anything else?

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