Prevent roller shutter rule from firing more than once + inconsistent Z-Wave state reported

I’ll add that you could use MIN or MAX group functions if you are looking for all member shutters one way.

These messages come from autoupdate, having a pre-emptive guess at the outcome of a command. Where you’re expecting a timely update from a real device, it’s usually sensible to set autoupdate false for that Item.

That’s something worth looking into, on the zwave side (about which I know nothing but has already been discussed).

But - I don’t see the other shutters reporting either, in the events.log snip you’ve shown us. Maybe they do later, but the events shown look to me like they are results of autoupdate predictions.

Here you are:

Group:Rollershutter:OR(0, 100)  gShutter  "Roller Shutter"  <rollershutter>  (Home)				["Rollershutter"]

Good to know.

I keep learning :sunglasses:

So you would suggest that I set autoupdate="false" in the Rollershutter item bindings?

That’s up to you. But given the interest in the reported state, you probably don’t want autoupdate’s interference.

I don’t think the logic group functions work very well with non-bool member states.
The number based functions MIN/MAX/AVG are more appropriate here?

First step would be get your member shutters updating convincingly though.