Problem pairing Fibaro Dimmer 2 with OpenHAB

I can’t get my Fibaro Dimmer 2 to be fully discovered by OpenHAB. I’m using the Aeotec z-stick and have had this kind of problem before. The Dimmer module adds as an ‘Unknown Device’, no matter what I do.

What’s odd is that it seems to have captured the manufacturer info and other initialization info correctly. The Thing title defaults to ‘Unknown device (010f:0102:1000:3.5)’ which corresponds to what I can see in the Z-wave database. The attributes in Habmin also show this info correctly.

The only thing I can see which might not match the database is that it states the binding for the Dimmer 2 module supports firmware ‘up to 3.4’, and this is clearly 3.5. However, I can see from the comments on the binding that people are using it with 3.5 also, so I’m at a loss on how to get this working.

I’ve tried resetting the module and re-including in the network, but no luck so far. Any help appreciated!

Note, I’m running OpanHAB 2.3.0 on Win10, using aeotec Z-Stick controller.

I expect that this is your problem. The device is in the database, and your device is detected and initialised fine - it’s just that you have a very old binding.

Ah. That’s quite obvious and I’m kicking myself for not considering it. I’ll update post-haste!

Thanks for the swift response.
