Problem with jointspace


I have Openhab 2.3 running on a Raspberry and actually managed everything so far what I’m running. Such as Fritzbox Binding
Exec to read the aquarium temperatures to another Respberry (aquarium control only), Pioneer Binding, Homematic Binding, HTTP and many more. Of course always with diligent read here in the forum, thank you for your sometimes very helpful contributions.
Now I’m setting up my PhilipsTV from the year 2015. Here, however, I have no idea. I have set up items for Mute, Standby and Channelupdown and linked them to the sitemap.

If I now press an item, it is visible in the openhab.log, but it takes up to 5 minutes until the TV responds ???
When I set up and press the volume control slider, the TV just feels like it’s just random, with a few minutes delay. Then no control of the Homatic components works. Only when I counter the corresponding items in the * .items and in the * .sitemap do the homematic components react at least once again.

I would be very grateful for your help.



Not sure what your problem is, I use the Jointspace binding with a Philips TV and it reacts fast.
I set it up with a fixed IP on the TV.

Herewith my config files, it might give you a clue where to look.


/*Philips TV & JointSpace Binding */
Switch MuteSwitch		"Mute TV" 		<mute> 		(gJointspace)   { jointspace="ON:key.Mute, OFF:key.Mute, POLL:volume.mute" }
Dimmer VolumeTV			"Volume TV [%.1f]" 	<speaker> 	(gJointspace) 	{ jointspace="*:volume" }
Number VolumeTV_Poll	        "Poll volume"   	<speaker> 	(gJointspace) 	{ jointspace="POLL:volume" }
Switch StandbyTV 		"Switch TV off" 	<television> (gJointspace)  { jointspace="OFF:key.Standby", autoupdate="false" }
String CurrentSource	        "Source [%s]" 	        <television> (gJointspace)  { jointspace="POLL:source" }
Number SetSource 		"Watch:" 		<television> (gJointspace) 	{ jointspace=", 2:source.hdmi1, 3:source.hdmi2, 4:source.hdmi3, 5:source.hdmiside" }


################################# JointSpace #############################################

# Timeout - or 'refresh interval', in milliseconds, of the worker thread. 
# Used for polling. 

# Ip of the jointspace enabled device
ip =

# Port of the jointspace API. Defaults to 1925
# jointspace:port = 1925


Frame label="Living Room - TV" {
   Switch item=SetSource mappings=["2"="TV", "3"="Kodi", "4"="PS3"] 
   Setpoint item=VolumeTV minValue=0 maxValue=60 step=5
   Switch item=MuteSwitch    						