Problem with KNX-item since latest snapshot update

Yesterday i updated my OH 2.4 snapshot installation to the latest update. But now i get many errors of one of my KNX-items.

I get the counter of a knx-binary input, it is a s0 input of my power meter.

It worked the last time since the update yesterday.


Number	HeatPump_Stromzaehler	 "Wärmepumpe Stromzähler [%d Impulse]" <energy>	(gHeatpump_Strom,gMapDB)	{knx="12.001:4/3/1"}


2018-07-28 11:38:59.443 [WARN ] [.binding.knx.internal.bus.KNXBinding] - Value '2965020.0' could not be sent to the KNX bus using datapoint 'command DP 4/3/1 HeatPump_Stromzaehler, DPT main 0 id 12.001, low priority' - retrying one time: 12.001 Unsigned count: wrong value format: 2965020.0

2018-07-28 11:38:59.443 [ERROR] [.binding.knx.internal.bus.KNXBinding] - Value '2965020.0' could not be sent to the KNX bus using datapoint 'command DP 4/3/1 HeatPump_Stromzaehler, DPT main 0 id 12.001, low priority' - giving up after second try: 12.001 Unsigned count: wrong value format: 2965020.0

I looked into my rules, but this item is only read by openhab, there is no writing to this item. It gets its value from the knx bus directly.

There was another snapshot this morning.
Have you tried updating?

I made the second update to #1320. Error is still there.

The values on my sitemap are shown correctly and are updated every time. Only the error in the logs is popping up at.

So basically, it’s working but there is an ERROR popping in the logs?
You need to report that on GitHub as an issue

Yes, it seems to work, but since the snapshot update i made a few days ago, there is still a warning followed by an error every two minutes.

Can i set this item to read only? Maybe this will help?

But there is no rule with writing, so i can only guess, that this could help maybe?

I’m pretty sure this is because DPT12.001 is unsigned long (integer) while the value 2965020.0 is of type float. The same issue is with scene (DPT17.001/18.001) and other integer DPT)
I had the impression this Issue was first seen with UoM, and I opened an Issue for that:

I’m on knx1. Is there the same problem?

I’m pretty sure this is dependent on UoM, so yes, if you use OH2.3 (or OH2.4) + legacy knx1, but as I do not use knx1 with OH2.3(+), that’s just a guess.

I have seen, this was fixed in knx2. Is this fixed in knx1 as well? When will the fix be in snapshot update?

afaik it’s not fixed in knx1. The fix for knx2 was applied six days ago and thus the actual snapshot should be fixed. see here:

Hope that this will be fixed in knx1 as well…

I don´t want to switch to knx2 at this time. Too much work, i have so many knx-items.

Well, take a look at github/openhab1-addons and open an issue (if there is none, yet)

Here is the new issue in github:

I hope this is ok like i did it.

Is there a way to (temporarly) remove the warnings and errors from the openhab.log logfile? I can´t use the logfile anymore, because there are only warnings/errors from the KNX binding and the wrong datapoint…

Well, you can set logging for knx to OFF (but you have to be aware of that when getting weird behavior but no logging about errors…)

I have found a how to here in the forum, now i get all knx info/warn/error logging into knx.log and openhab.log is usable again.