Problem with persistence: influxdb

Hi I am used to work with two persistence services mapDB for restoring all valuesafter a restart and influxDB for longer time series. Being on the latest openhab3.01 release using openHABian on a Raspberry.

Now I have reached a point where some persistet items don’t receive any updates on influxDB anymore and new added ones also don’t get any values written in the db.

I’ve put influxdb to trace and thats what I can see as difference between the two.

An item that is correctly persisted looks like this

[openhab.event.ItemStateChangedEvent ] - Item 'z45_temperature' changed from 17.6 to 18.3
[.influxdb.InfluxDBPersistenceService] - Storing item z45_temperature (Type=NumberItem, State=18.3, Label=Waschküchentür @ 21:35, Category=temperature, Groups=[innenTemperaturMix, reportEveryChange, displayUpdate]) in InfluxDB point InfluxPoint{measurementName='z45_temperature', time=2021-04-21T19:35:11.310191Z, value=18.3, tags={item=z45_temperature}}
[.influxdb.InfluxDBPersistenceService] - Storing item z45_temperature (Type=NumberItem, State=18.3, Label=Waschküchentür @ 21:35, Category=temperature, Groups=[innenTemperaturMix, reportEveryChange, displayUpdate]) in InfluxDB point InfluxPoint{measurementName='z45_temperature', time=2021-04-21T19:35:11.313754Z, value=18.3, tags={item=z45_temperature}}
[.influxdb.InfluxDBPersistenceService] - Filter: itemname: z45_temperature, ordering: DESCENDING, state: null,  operator: EQ, getBeginDate: null, getEndDate: null, getPageSize: 1, getPageNumber: 0
[.influxdb.InfluxDBPersistenceService] - Query SELECT value FROM autogen.z45_temperature ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 1;
[rnal.influx1.InfluxDB1RepositoryImpl] - series Series [name=z45_temperature, tags=null, columns=[time, value], values=[[1.619033711313E12, 18.3]]]
**[rnal.influx1.InfluxDB1RepositoryImpl] - adding historic item z45_temperature: time 2021-04-21T19:35:11.313Z value 18.3**

An item that is not persistet like that:

[openhab.event.ItemStateChangedEvent ] - Item 'z49_door2' changed from OPEN to CLOSED
 [.influxdb.InfluxDBPersistenceService] - Filter: itemname: z49_door2, ordering: DESCENDING, state: null, operator: EQ, getBeginDate: null, getEndDate: null, getPageSize: 1, getPageNumber: 0
[.influxdb.InfluxDBPersistenceService] - Query SELECT value FROM autogen.z49_door2 ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 1;

Things done so far:

Clear cache
Removed items from .items file then readded them
Checked on the influxdb itself, select * results no entries

Any help where to look next or what to try highly appreciated

I assume it’s related to the bug with ON/OFF that I reported here, just with OPEN/CLOSE in your case:

You might want to upgrade and see if it helps. In my case the values got persisted though, just querying resulted in problems.

Thank you very much for your fast answer. My issue is different as the values of these items do not get persisted at all. I can see this when doing a select * on the influxDB itself. There I can see that the new items are not persisted at all (no values) and the others I have troubles with stopped being persisted a while ago. Is there any other way to have a deeper look inside the OH3/influxDB handling at the time OH3 tries to persist the items?

What are your persist strategies and what is your influxdb config like?

Do you have the problem with other non numerical values?

my persist strategies are simple. See below. Maybe it would help dropping the influxdb database and then starting openhab with setting up the persistence new. I could import after that being successful the old influxdb data which I backup’ed. what does openhab do if it finds no database > set it up new?


Strategies {
    everyMinute : "0 * * * * ?"
    everyHour   : "0 0 * * * ?"
    everyDay    : "0 0 0 * * ?"
Items {
    reportEveryChange* : strategy = everyChange
    reportEveryUpdate* : strategy = everyUpdate
    displayUpdate : strategy = everyChange
    testInflux* : strategy = everyMinute
	memTotal : strategy = everyMinute


Strategies {
    default = everyUpdate
Items {
    // persist all items at every Change and restore them on Startup
    * : strategy = everyChange, restoreOnStartup