Problem with simple Sitemap


I have this simple sitemap

sitemap home label="Mein Zuhause" {
  Frame label="Erdgeschoss" icon="groundfloor" {
    Number item=Energy_Consumption_CentralHeater "Zentralheizung [JS(Wh_to_kWh.js):%.2f kWh]"

But I’m getting this error message:

2018-11-17 22:04:06.411 [WARN ] [el.core.internal.ModelRepositoryImpl] - Configuration model 'home.sitemap' has errors, therefore ignoring it: [3,7]: required (...)+ loop did not match anything at input 'Number'
[5,3]: extraneous input '}' expecting EOF

2018-11-17 22:04:07.912 [WARN ] [el.core.internal.ModelRepositoryImpl] - Configuration model 'home.sitemap' has errors, therefore ignoring it: [3,7]: required (...)+ loop did not match anything at input 'Number'
[5,3]: extraneous input '}' expecting EOF

But I don’t see the error in my sitemap.
Any suggestions?

Line 3, Character 7 has a problem

Number is not a valid sitemap element

use Default or another valid one (e.g. Text)


Here is a nice tool to help you with syntax checks: openHAB VS Code Extension 0.3.5

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