Problems with Rollershutter Shading

Dear Udo,
thanks for your reply.
I did indeed a copy the .item, .sitemap and .rule File from a discussion in this forum

(Automatic Shading with Astro, OpenWeather and MqTT (for Shelly 2.5)).
Ruben and Peter have provided the solution
rubenfuser and Peter_Aschinger.

I copied everything in Visual Studio and adjusted it to my settings (weather and astro).
Is mentioned previously I am struggling with the binding of my rollershutter in this setup and you are right, this largely to the due the fact that I am not able to add my rollershutter to the group gRollomatik

Is there something wrong with this grouping below? Do I miss something?

Group gRolloautomatik
/* Shelly 2.5 Roller */
Rollershutter RollerControl “Steuerung (0=offen, 100=geschlossen)” (rRolloautomatik) {channel=“shelly:shelly25-roller:c82b96109f49:roller#control”}

I tried your rule set and get 8 errors
7 x “Type mismatch: cannot convert from State to Number”,
code": org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.validation.IssueCodes.incompatible_types",
This happens when you comparing the defined data with the real data e.g.
if (nAzimuth < nRAzimuth)

1x “The method or field intValue is undefined for the type State”,
“code”: “org.eclipse.xtext.diagnostics.Diagnostic.Linking”,
if(Math.abs(nClosure.intValue - (i.state as Number).intValue) <= 5) {

Do you have any suggestion on how to fix this?