Pushbutton. Autoupdate=false does not work?

Today I tried the button in the Basic UI about 10x, no reaction whatsoever. After that I changed to the Classic UI (same browser on my iPad) and it worked on the first try!

It has been a while, but I did some more tests in the past days. Meanwhile I am quite sure, that this is a problem with the Basic UI. When using the iOS app or the Classic UI everything works as expected every time I try it.

I am not sure, if my configuration is correct or if I should change anything.

It’s probably related to this. Though it’s not that clear. you haven’t said what you are physically doing - presumably tapping on a touchscreen (rather than mouse clicks)? No-one seems to have tried the effect in different browsers etc.

Thanks for the link!

Yes, this seems related. Today I tried “double tapping” and it worked wit the Basic UI. This would also explain, why it worked sometimes, probably I was coincidentally fast enough with the second push when trying it out.

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I have found a github issue that seems to fit

There is no “fix” but a workaround for iOS users is described.

Thanks again!

I tried the workarround, but in a first test it did not work for me. But this might be a caching issue or I got the path within the html file wrong (other html files I placed in /etc/openhab2/html do work).

I will try to fix this tonight.

In the meantime I could figure it out. The workaround from the above link works for me, but you have to add an additional Webview url="/static/issue-120.html" to the used sitemap, as stated in the original description on which the workaround was based.

Thanks to all for the help!