Pushover image support

Any ideas?

My working example:


Hi sihui

which binding are you using ? I assume given you’re using the key/user in your command, that you do not need to make use of the pushover.cfg file


The Pushover binding, this whole thread is about that binding :sunglasses:

Theres a few, theres a jar floating around, theres the 2.4, theres the 2.5

Which version? I have the exact same command and it doesnt work.

I get this:

21:05:02.379 [WARN ] [hab.action.pushover.internal.Pushover] - Method failed: HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request.

2.5 snapshot #1549

OK, im using this one:

266 │ Active   │  80 │    │ openHAB Pushover Action

07:16:23.556 [WARN ] [hab.action.pushover.internal.Pushover] - Method failed: HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request.

Ive defined the key/user correctly as variables at the top of the rule and then use this:

sendPushoverMessage(pushoverBuilder("test message").withApiKey("PushOverAPIKey").withUser("PushOverUserKey").withAttachment("/etc/openhab2/html/latest-visitor.jpg"))

I’m not sure it that old binding version already supports images.

Where can I get the latest? I grabbed this one which I thought was the latest from the pushover thread. I didnt see anything on the jenkins site

I just installed it through PaperUI … the version depends on the core version you are using, but as far as I remember image support was already available in 2.4 release version.

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Tried that one too, same issue. I’m on 2.4

07:49:14.002 [WARN ] [hab.action.pushover.internal.Pushover] - Method failed: HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request.

If i take the var’s out from the top of the rule and place them into the command, I get a test mesage but no attachment.

Openhab user has rights to the image.

kris@openhab2:/etc/openhab2/rules$ ls -la /etc/openhab2/html/latest-visitor.jpg
-rw-r--r-- 1 openhab openhab 34272 Mar 28 07:51 /etc/openhab2/html/latest-visitor.jpg

Looks like it can’t find the image, make sure it exists and you don’t have a syntax error.
Also for finding errors don’t use vars, type your access credentials directly into the pushoverBuilder command.

Okay, you edited your post while I was typing :sunglasses:
Last idea: rename the image to have a name without a dash.

YAY! That did it :smiley: nice work sihui :smiley:

You should file a github issue because you’ve found a bug.

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Yep, theres also another bug - you cant specify the Keys as variables and reference them in the send command. It errors, you can only use the keys inside the command itself.

Is there a way to stop the word openHAB coming up in each notification

You can use the withTitle paramater

my complete rule

import java.util.List

rule "Frontdoor bell"
    Channel "mihome:sensor_switch_aq2:wireless_switch_aqara:button" triggered
    sendCommand(Xiaomi_Gateway_SoundVolume, 13)
    sendCommand(Xiaomi_Gateway_Sound, 10012)
    var FrontDoorCam = "FrontDoor.jpg"
    var Location = "/tmp/"
    var Title = "Ding Dong"
    var Doorbellmessage = "Someone is at the door "+ now.toString ("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm")
    var ImgFile = LocationSS + FrontDoorCam
    executeCommandLine("wget http://rtsp:user@192.168.x.x:80/Streaming/Channels/1/picture -O " + Location + FrontDoorCam)
    val List<String> attachmentUrlList = newArrayList(
        "file://" + Location + FrontDoorCam) 
    createTimer(now.plusSeconds(1),  [ |
        sendMail("name@email.com", Title, Doorbellmessage, attachmentUrlList)

        sendCommand(Xiaomi_Gateway_Sound, 10000)
        sendCommand(Xiaomi_Gateway_SoundVolume, 0)
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