Pushover - No Sound in OH3.2


I’m in the process of migrating from OH2.5 to 3.2

So far it works fine - except for the Pushover rules.

I’m aware that the syntax has to be amended (things + rules) like this:

Thing pushover:pushover-account:soundNone 			[ apikey="xxxapi", user="xxxuser", sound="none" ]
Thing pushover:pushover-account:soundPushover 		[ apikey="xxxapi", user="xxxuser", sound="pushover" ]

rule "Pushover Test"
        Item pushover received command
        switch(receivedCommand) {
            case ON: {
                // sendPushoverMessage(pushoverBuilder("test message").withPriority(1).withSound("magic"))
                val actions = getActions("pushover", "pushover:pushover-account:soundNone")
                actions.sendHtmlMessage("Pushover <font color='green'>ON</font>! soundNone", "openHAB3")
                 logInfo("PUSHOVER", "--> on ")


            case OFF: {
                val actions = getActions("pushover", "pushover:pushover-account:soundPushover")
                actions.sendHtmlMessage("Pushover <font color='green'>OFF</font>! soundPushover", "openHAB3")
                 logInfo("PUSHOVER", "--> off ")


I do get the messages - but always without sound :frowning:

Any help is appreciated