QH3: UI | items selection, what is it for?

  • openhabian 3.3.0 on rPi4

Looking at this:

I wonder what the selection is for?

I click on select and tick boxes appear.
I check a few.
I click done, and it still shows all items (selected or not)


Look at the bottom of the screen, after selecting a few items, you should see
remove 1 (according to the number of selected items).

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I’ll just add that the Things, Items, Pages, Rules, Scripts, Schedule, Widgets, and Blockly Libraries pages all work the same way. You can select more than one and at the bottom you will have the option to do a bulk operation on all of them. Usually that’s going to be “delete” but for Things and Rules you also have the option to “disable/enable.”

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I looked at this a few times… and had the expectation that I could select a few things, and only those would be listed. (Of course, never noticed the 'remove" at the bottom.
Googled it, no answer, and dared to ask… (I am still laughing).