Qubino ZMNHTD Smart Meter relay control endpoint not found


Z-Wave devices:

  • Qubino ZMNHTD Smart Meter developed by Goap with the thing type UID of qubino_zmnhtd_00_000
    In addition to Z-Wave device I’m using: BICOM432 External IR Relay and IKA232 External Reley

Issue description:

  • Not able to control External IR and External relays from openhab (paper UI or habpannel).
  • Relays status is not available form the openhab
  • At the same time I can control both relays with the wired hardware switch.

The rest of the channels are working good - I can read all the information.
I’ve tried to remove and re add the thing using Paper UI and via zwave.things file.

I’ve also checked those topics:

  1. Qubino smartmeter “switch relay” channel trigger and item update issue
  2. Zwave Qubino SmartMeter ZMNHTD
  3. ZWave: COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_BINARY for endpoint 2 not found
  4. Zwave Qubino SmartMeter ZMNHTD

My system:
Openhab 2.5.11 Release Build
Z-Wave Binding 2.5.11
There are 15 Nodes in my Z-Wave net work

Node XML file:
node_15.xml (14.0 KB)

Z-Wave DEBUG logs:

2021-01-21 14:30:24.993 [DEBUG] [ding.zwave.handler.ZWaveThingHandler] - NODE 15: Command received zwave:qubino_zmnhtd_00_000:controller:smartMeterKitchen:switch_binary2 --> ON [OnOffType]
2021-01-21 14:30:24.993 [DEBUG] [converter.ZWaveBinarySwitchConverter] - NODE 15: Command class class COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_BINARY for endpoint 2 not found
2021-01-21 14:30:24.993 [DEBUG] [ding.zwave.handler.ZWaveThingHandler] - NODE 15: No messages returned from converter
2021-01-21 14:30:25.896 [DEBUG] [ding.zwave.handler.ZWaveThingHandler] - NODE 15: Command received zwave:qubino_zmnhtd_00_000:controller:smartMeterKitchen:switch_binary1 --> ON [OnOffType]
2021-01-21 14:30:25.897 [DEBUG] [converter.ZWaveBinarySwitchConverter] - NODE 15: Command class class COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_BINARY for endpoint 1 not found
2021-01-21 14:30:25.897 [DEBUG] [ding.zwave.handler.ZWaveThingHandler] - NODE 15: No messages returned from converter

Would be appreciated of any help.

If any body interested the solution of this problem is:

  • you need to set the parameter 100 to 3, exclude the device from controller (without reseting it), delete xml file of the Node /var/lib/openhab2/zwave/nodename.xml and add the device back to your zwave net.

But then I faced a problem with is discussed here (to control both relays independently):
Qubino smartmeter “switch relay” channel trigger and item update issue
And possible solution of that is to fix zwave binding database with is not done yet.
At present time I got locally fixed zwave binding that solves the problem but only on my local system. If any body interested in that solution let me know.

So you did what Chris, the developer said not to do and refuse to place that fix in the community supported database as listed in the thread you linked, Again, here is the Database Guide. The issue cannot fix itself.

Well Bruse, I’m glad you replied to me.
I’m not an expert to fixing the database and I have asked of someones help to fix the data base in this topic:
Qubino ZMNHTD Smart Meter relay control endpoint not found
If you are able to help me with that then it would be nice.
Concerning local fixing. I did that on my testing environment in order to be sure that it gives the desired result.
And Chris, the developer if aware of that - He had explained some details about the binding to me here:
Qubino ZMNHTD Smart Meter relay control endpoints 1 & 2 not found