You have forget to set the follow profile on some input channels (pressure and raining switch).
Also to test, you could decrease the observation period on the thing (6h by default for testing purpose).
I don’t see any existing output channel named “timestamp”
=> got it, it’s an error in the document coming from an older version. I will correct this.
Maybe you should use MainUI to create / link your items and when it works, move to file configuration if you really think it’s needed.
ok i thought that profile follow is just for items which does have channel itself, i’ve removed that from items which are populated by rules… will try to add that back.
removed timestamp, let’s see after one hour.
maybe some kind of debug in log or log in openhab log if there is an error would be nice
Thank you
edit: documentation is missing input:temperature as well as I can see in channels via openhabUI
If they are populated by rules, that’s fine to remove the follow profile.
You can get logs by activated logs at debug level for this binding (see appropriate how-to in the forum).
I will push a PR to take in account our discussions, doc enhancement, a bit of more logging.
After the various tests I made, it seems to be predicting.
good morning,
after night, forecast is populated.
I guess it was missing temperature input (as it is missing from documentation) but i found it when I’ve added thing via UI.
As well there is “rain amount” as Number, but in doc you have Number:Lenght so i’ve created another summy with Number only and it works.
btw, wording is bit too long in some cases. What’s the better way to rephrase those a bit? map file? or it will be overwritten by sager somehow?
As I can see forecast item is being represented by letter/number, but output on sitemap is string anyway, so there is some transformation happening inside binding right?
The binding is probably setting state presentation options in your Item metadata.
That’s a good question. Editing the metadata is not “safe”, who knows when the binding will come along and change it back. There is no user control over that.
I think you’d need to use a method, like he MAP transform suggested, that just ignores the metadata options. Possibly requires a change to default widget - I don’t think the binding interferes with that.
Note that the idea of the binding-supplied options is that it is easy to automatically supply sets of options in different languages.
so far it looks like binding is not overwriting it back when used this kind of map file
Thanks @glhopital for pointing me where texts are so now I’m able to adjust them a bit.
0 = Not enough data, wait a bit ...
A = Fair
B = Fair and warmer
C = Fair and cooler
D = Unsettled
E = Unsettled and warmer
F = Unsettled and cooler
G = Increasing cloudiness or overcast followed by Precipitation or showers/Flurries
G1 = Increasing cloudiness or overcast followed by Precipitation or showers
G2 = Increasing cloudiness or overcast followed by Precipitation or Flurries
H = Increasing cloudiness or overcast followed by Precipitation or showers and warmer
J = Showers
K = Showers/Flurries and warmer
K1 = Showers and warmer
K2 = Flurries and warmer
L = Showers/Flurries and cooler
L1 = Showers and cooler
L2 = Flurries and cooler
M = Precipitation
N = Precipitation and warmer
P = Precipitation and turning cooler; then improvement likely in 24 hours
R = Precipitation or showers/Flurries followed by improvement (within 12 hours)
R1 = Precipitation or showers followed by improvement (within 12 hours)
R2 = Precipitation or flurries followed by improvement (within 12 hours)
S = Precipitation or showers/Flurries followed by improvement (within 12 hours) and becoming cooler
S1 = Precipitation or showers followed by improvement (within 12 hours) and becoming cooler
S2 = Precipitation or flurries followed by improvement (within 12 hours) and becoming cooler
T = Precipitation or showers/Flurries followed by improvement early in period (within 6 hours)
T1 = Precipitation or showers followed by improvement early in period (within 6 hours)
T2 = Precipitation or flurries followed by improvement early in period (within 6 hours)
U = Precipitation or showers/Flurries by improvement early in period (within 6 hours) and becoming cooler
U1 = Precipitation or showers by improvement early in period (within 6 hours) and becoming cooler
U2 = Precipitation or flurries by improvement early in period (within 6 hours) and becoming cooler
W = Precipitation or showers/Flurries followed by fair early in period (within 6 hours) and becoming cooler
W1 = Precipitation or showers followed by fair early in period (within 6 hours) and becoming cooler
W2 = Precipitation or flurries followed by fair early in period (within 6 hours) and becoming cooler
X = Unsettled followed by fair
Y = Unsettled followed by fair early in period (within 6 hours) and becoming cooler
@glhopital Hi, just wondering, after like month of monitoring Sager binding it seems pressure and temperature trends are not changing, still “Normal”
It might be that during winter is not that much happening with temperature, but pressure measurements calculated by zambretti is rising/falling quite often.
How this is handled or am I able somehow to see what’s going on under the hood?