Raspberry 4 Docker Addon Download Issue


I have a problem with openHAB in a Docker container on a Raspberry PI 4.

Operating system is PI OS Lite 64 bit
Openhab Docker image version is 3.2.0

When I try to load a binding or an addon I get the error message

[ERROR] [core.karaf.internal.FeatureInstaller] - Failed installing 'openhab-transformation-javascript': Error:
	Error downloading mvn:org.openhab.addons.bundles/org.openhab.transform.javascript/3.2.0

From the Docker container I can reach internet pages, I have tested this.

Thanks for any tips and best regards

Server is down: http://status.openhab.org/

Thanks for the quick feedback.
Has the server been down for a while or again?
I had tried yesterday to install the 3.3.2 Docker image , got there also the problem, switched to 3.2.0 and then it works yesterday.

Sorry link is fine - 31 hours - perhaps its the explanation for both problems

Yes, see Jfrog repo is down, can't install OH nor add-ons

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