Raw copy SD, new card too small

using 4.2.3-release on a raspberry Pi with openHABian.

I noticed, that the same SD Cards I bought this year have slightly less space than the same SD cards I bought two years ago. I’d like to move my openHAB to a new SD Card, as the current SD card slowly throws a few “mmcblk0: Disk read/write request responses are too high (read > 20 ms for 15m or write > 20 ms for 15m)” on my Zabbix monitoring.

is there anything I can move the system to the new SD card. I don’t want to just vanilla install openHAB and restore a backup, because I did some system settings on OS level I still have to a) find all and b) remember how I did them all… :wink:

There’s no golden ticket I’d take responsibility for recommending in that situation.
Your best option would be to buy a larger card then.

Another option is to shrink the second partition before copying. But this has to be done “externally”.

If you have a Pi with a “RasPi-Desktop” and of course a card reader, you can use the tool “sd card copier” which will copy your whole system to either the target you want to use (sd, ssd, usb)

I had the same issue. I copied the card to an image file using win32 disk imager, thenn used the information from this link, Shrinking images on Linux - Softwarebakery
to shrink the image file before writing it to another SD card.