Read and store historical values


I have devices that measure humidity and temperature (Govee H5075). Those devices also store the historical measured data. Is it possible to somehow use that data for the history of the item data instead of the one the OH automatically creates periodically from the current value of the item?
Background: The connection to these devices is via Bluetooth and not really stable, so the item value is sometimes not updated for a longer period of time. I still would like to have accurate historical values though, eventually.


Not really. You might be able to write something that gets those historic values and then uses the OH REST API to submit those values. The REST API lets you set the date/time of the entry so you can insert records that happened in the past. You’ll have to be careful though when you use rrd4j because if you go back too far you’ll have to be careful that you understand how rrd4j works.

Hi Rick,
thanks for the answer.

You’ll have to be careful though when you use rrd4j because if you go back too far you’ll have to be careful that you understand how rrd4j works.

Are you referring to the feature that aggregates multiple old values to one value, to preserve storage space?
I would think that I would go back a maximum of two days, if even. I should be fine then, right?

“it depends”. You really need to understand rrd4j, to predict effects when ‘tampering’ with the past.

If it might be headache, don’t do it. Use some other persistence service, as well or instead.
