Reading Fronius inverters (Symo 15.0-3-M) with modbus binding

Hi. Im new to openhab. How do i install the fronius binding?

I did not install a fronius binding - instead I am using the http binding to fetch the data from the fronius.
In order to do this you need to install the http binding form the Paper UI, then place three lines in your /services/http.cfg file, where you specify the IP address and update intervall of your fronius, like:


Then you put one line for each value to fetch in your home.items file (I am using a group gPV to display all collected fronius data):

// Fronius via HTTP

Number PV_Load “Aktueller Verbrauch [%.1f W]” (gPV) { http="<[froniusrtd:5000:JSONPATH($.Body.Data.Site.P_Load)]" }
Number PV_Current “Aktuelle Produktion [%d W]” { http="<[froniusrtd:5000:JSONPATH($.Body.Data.Inverters.1.P)]" }
Number PV_DaySum “Tagessumme [%0f Wh]” { http="<[froniusrtd:30000:JSONPATH($.Body.Data.Inverters.1.E_Day)]" }
Number PV_YearSum “Jahressumme [%0f Wh]” { http="<[froniusrtd:30000:JSONPATH($.Body.Data.Inverters.1.E_Year)]" }
Number PV_Total “Gesamtsumme [%0f Wh]” { http="<[froniusrtd:30000:JSONPATH($.Body.Data.Inverters.1.E_Total)]" }
Number PV_Grid “Bezug vom Netz [%.1f W]” (gPV) { http="<[froniusrtd:5000:JSONPATH($.Body.Data.Site.P_Grid)]" }
Number PV_Akku “Leistung von Batterie [%.1f W]” (gPV) { http="<[froniusrtd:5000:JSONPATH($.Body.Data.Site.P_Akku)]" }
Number PV_PV “Leistung vom Dach [%.1f W]” (gPV) { http="<[froniusrtd:5000:JSONPATH($.Body.Data.Site.P_PV)]" }
Number PV_Battery “Batterieladestand [%d Prozent]” (gPV) { http="<[froniusrtd:30000:JSONPATH($.Body.Data.Inverters.1.SOC)]" }
Number PV_Self “Eigenverbrauch erzeugter Leistung [%.1f Prozent]” (gPV) { http="<[froniusrtd:5000:JSONPATH($.Body.Data.Site.rel_SelfConsumption)]" }
Number PV_Autonomy “Autonom zu [%.1f Prozent]” (gPV) { http="<[froniusrtd:5000:JSONPATH($.Body.Data.Site.rel_Autonomy)]" }

Hope it works for you!

that’s exactly, what I’m doing. HTTP Binding.

would you share also your items?
would help to understand better some of the values in the json

Hi Shorty707,
there’s no difference in my items except other names.
I don’t know what I should add to all the other explanations in this thread.
the API is documented here

Here we go:

//   Fronius via HTTP

Number  PV_Load        "Aktueller Verbrauch [%.1f W]"       (gPV)    { http="<[froniusrtd:5000:JSONPATH($.Body.Data.Site.P_Load)]" }
Number  PV_Current      "Aktuelle Produktion [%d W]"              { http="<[froniusrtd:5000:JSONPATH($.Body.Data.Inverters.1.P)]" }
Number  PV_DaySum       "Tagessumme [%0f Wh]"                    { http="<[froniusrtd:30000:JSONPATH($.Body.Data.Inverters.1.E_Day)]" }
Number  PV_YearSum      "Jahressumme [%0f Wh]"                    { http="<[froniusrtd:30000:JSONPATH($.Body.Data.Inverters.1.E_Year)]" }
Number  PV_Total        "Gesamtsumme [%0f Wh]"                    { http="<[froniusrtd:30000:JSONPATH($.Body.Data.Inverters.1.E_Total)]" }
Number  PV_Grid        "Bezug vom Netz [%.1f W]"       (gPV)    { http="<[froniusrtd:5000:JSONPATH($.Body.Data.Site.P_Grid)]" }
Number  PV_Akku        "Leistung von Batterie [%.1f W]"       (gPV)    { http="<[froniusrtd:5000:JSONPATH($.Body.Data.Site.P_Akku)]" }
Number  PV_PV        "Leistung vom Dach [%.1f W]"       (gPV)    { http="<[froniusrtd:5000:JSONPATH($.Body.Data.Site.P_PV)]" }
Number PV_Prozent "Auslastung Panel [%.2f %%]"   (gPV)
Number  PV_Battery        "Batterieladestand [%d Prozent]"       (gPV)    { http="<[froniusrtd:30000:JSONPATH($.Body.Data.Inverters.1.SOC)]" }
Number  PV_Self        "Eigenverbrauch erzeugter Leistung [%.1f Prozent]"       (gPV)    { http="<[froniusrtd:5000:JSONPATH($.Body.Data.Site.rel_SelfConsumption)]" }
Number PV_DaySumCalculated "Tagesproduktion [%.1f kWh]"   (gPV)
Number PV_YearSumCalculated "Jahresproduktion [%.1f MWh]"   (gPV)
Number PV_Autonomy       "Autonom zu [%.1f Prozent]"      (gPV)       { http="<[froniusrtd:5000:JSONPATH($.Body.Data.Site.rel_Autonomy)]" }
Number PV_TotalCalculated "Gesamtproduktion [%.1f MWh]"   (gPV)