Recent Squeezebox binding changes

The file’s dated from the 22nd of Jan. I’ve got another binding to update so will pull the latest version at the same time. I’m running HABPanel inside HABPanelViewer but it does the same in Chrome too.

It’s like an image not found icon when I stream from Spotify. I’m using the Spotty plugin, but the album art appears as expected in the LMS web client.

Ok. My changes were merged on the 26th. There definitely were issues with the artwork updating prior to the changes that went in on the 26th. Would be interested to get your experience after you update.

Hmm, I’ll take a look at this. Let me know if you see any difference after you update to the latest version.

Been awhile since I did anything with lms. Is it still the standard or has something taken the place of the old squeezebox server?

My Eclipse install is acting up. Can you point me towards a recent jar file? I couldn’t spot it on Github

This should be the latest.

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Still alive.

I loaded the latest jar on this morning but having trouble. I use the things file to define the bridge as so:

Bridge  squeezebox:squeezeboxserver:jukebox        [ ipAddress="", webport=9000, cliport=9090 ]
        Thing   squeezeboxplayer        KitchenSqueezebox       [ mac="b8:27:eb:b1:54:f6" ]
        Thing   squeezeboxplayer        LivingRoomSqueezebox    [ mac="aa:aa:b2:b1:b7:c5" ]
        Thing   squeezeboxplayer        SpareRoomSqueezebox     [ mac="aa:aa:d7:a2:2b:90" ]

In Karaf bundle:list shows the SqueezeBox list there once, however if I query the things it states that it is not initialized.

squeezebox:squeezeboxserver:jukebox (Type=Bridge, Status=UNINITIALIZED, Label=SqueezeBox Server, Bridge=null)
squeezebox:squeezeboxplayer:jukebox:KitchenSqueezebox (Type=Thing, Status=UNINITIALIZED, Label=SqueezeBox Player, Bridge=squeezebox:squeezeboxserver:jukebox)
squeezebox:squeezeboxplayer:jukebox:LivingRoomSqueezebox (Type=Thing, Status=UNINITIALIZED, Label=SqueezeBox Player, Bridge=squeezebox:squeezeboxserver:jukebox)
squeezebox:squeezeboxplayer:jukebox:SpareRoomSqueezebox (Type=Thing, Status=UNINITIALIZED, Label=SqueezeBox Player, Bridge=squeezebox:squeezeboxserver:jukebox)

Strangely, I can see the server in the PaperUI Inbox. Do you have any ideas what I should try? OH has been restarted already.

Let me see if I can recreate this.

This would be expected. The upnp discovery service is finding the LMS server and adding a server thing it to the inbox.

I took your things file above, and changed the IP and MAC addresses to my devices. The Server and Player things all showed up in Paper UI and are ONLINE.

In the console I see:

squeezebox:squeezeboxserver:jukebox (Type=Bridge, Status=ONLINE, Label=SqueezeBox Server, Bridge=null)
squeezebox:squeezeboxplayer:jukebox:KitchenSqueezebox (Type=Thing, Status=ONLINE, Label=SqueezeBox Player, Bridge=squeezebox:squeezeboxserver:jukebox)
squeezebox:squeezeboxplayer:jukebox:LivingRoomSqueezebox (Type=Thing, Status=ONLINE, Label=SqueezeBox Player, Bridge=squeezebox:squeezeboxserver:jukebox)
squeezebox:squeezeboxplayer:jukebox:SpareRoomSqueezebox (Type=Thing, Status=ONLINE, Label=SqueezeBox Player, Bridge=squeezebox:squeezeboxserver:jukebox)

What version of OH are you on? I’m wondering if there might be an incompatibility between the binding and older framework versions. There have been quite a few changes to the framework in the last few months, some of which caused some issues. In particular, the change of scheduler from static to non-static might impact the ability of the binding to connect to the LMS.

This was discussing compatibility of old bindings with the new ESH build, but there may be a similar problem in the reverse scenario.

Edit: Do you see any unusual ERROR or WARN messages in the log file?

I’m on OH 2.2.0. I didn’t see any strange errors in the log after a restart. I’ll remove all things and items from Karaf and try again.

The binding uses scheduler to make the connection to the LMS. The difference (static vs non-static) between scheduler the ESH in 2.2 and the ESH in recent snapshots may be the cause. It may be failing silently, as well.

If you put the binding in DEBUG or TRACE mode, you may see signs of it trying to connect to the LMS (or maybe not). If it can’t get a connection to the LMS, I think the things will be stuck in UNINITIALIZED.

I’ll qualify all the above with the fact that this is still a guess on my part. There may be some other cause that I don’t yet understand.

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I tried adding it via PaperUI and the new thing also says uninitialized. I’m going to wait for 2.3.0 and will try again, then feedback my findings.

EDIT: Rather than wait for 2.3.0 I upgraded to the snapshot. Pleased to report that the album art now changes when I skip track and is also scrapped when using Spotify. Great work @mhilbush :slight_smile:

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Just upgraded to latest snapshot #1265
Channel definition of notificationVolume works well
but trying to set the notification volume in the say command:

say(msg,"voicerss:enUS", "squeezebox:squeezeboxplayer:3D34F084-8A16-4E61-B593-B5D5B673E4BF:801f02f8f9d4", 60)

(with msg being a string), results in error message:

2018-05-01 09:20:23.320 [ERROR] [ntime.internal.engine.RuleEngineImpl] - Rule 'VoiceCMD': An error occurred during the script execution: Cannot convert number literal to typeorg.eclipse.smarthome.core.library.types.PercentType

Also VScode gives the same error for the say command above;
No big deal as the system responds to channel settings but thought you wanted to know; as always, thanks much @mhilbush

Try this

say(msg,"voicerss:enUS", "squeezebox:squeezeboxplayer:3D34F084-8A16-4E61-B593-B5D5B673E4BF:801f02f8f9d4", new PercentType(60))

If that works, I’ll need to fix the documentation…


Works like a charm, thanks so very much!!!

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I came across the same error. Changing the volume to the ‘new PercentType’ syntax worked also for me. Thanks!

Hi @mhilbush , that worked for me. Thanks!

Before I found your post I had a look to the docs Multimedia | openHAB
which still seems to be outdated.


Can I fix the documentation for you?
That should be easy and would be a got task for my first attempt to contribute to the documentation.

If so, I would change it to:

say("Hello world!")
say("Hello world!", new PercentType(25))
say("Hello world!", "voicerss:enGB")
say("Hello world!", "voicerss:enGB", new PercentType(25))
say("Hello world!", "voicerss:enUS", "sonos:PLAY5:kitchen")
say("Hello world!", "voicerss:enUS", "sonos:PLAY5:kitchen", new PercentType(25))

Let me know.

I did update the Squeezebox documentation, but didn’t update the ESH docs. What you propose sounds reasonable to me.

Dear @anfaenger,

Thank you very much for offering your help. Please start contributing. We bed any helping hand.

But I am afraid you are too late for this topic. I cleaned up the docs couple days ago.

If I understand correctly, it’s already changed, but not yet online.
Ok, then I look at what else I can contribute.
Many Thanks!