Recommendation for smoke sensors in Germany?

For some years I am using 10 Fibaro smoke sensors connected to a Fibaro HC2. They look great, provide me with temperature in each room, but unfortunately there is also a downside. From time to time they cause false alarm. Sometines for months no alaram, and than three times in two weeks in different rooms. And they also loose sometimes connection to the z-wave network. And they alsways start ringing because of empty battery during night time. So I am looking for new smoke sensors I can add to my smart home.
They must have VDS signature (required in Germany afaik).
Nice looking (smaller, white high gloss) would be appreciated by my wife.
Connected to my smart home (Homematic, Hue, WLAN, )
No Z-Wave becouse I wnat to get away form it (replacing Fibaro Wall Plugs with Tasmotas and Shellys)

My favorite would be the shelly smoke 2 - but on their website they say “it´s comming soon” … for more than two years … :frowning:

Why not the one from HomematicIP-Collection? Nice looking :slight_smile: :roll_eyes: ? Or because of permanently installed batteries (lifetime max 10 years)?

Nise looking … not realy, but more important: how reliabale? I have in mind, that they have issues with flase alarm as well…

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