Thanks Markus, I think I see it for Grafana, yes, but what about influxdb? If the only way to do backhup is to use influxdb backup then, I’m not sure how Amanda would work?
Well I don’t know where influxdb is placing its data but as can be seen in the script above you can actually run an influx command to create a backup. Place these into a directory and add that to Amanda disklist.
@mstormi, thanks for this.
I’m trying to have all the backup related stuff in one place and was looking at how to configure a script to be executed before Amanda performs the backup but before I spend time on this I was wondering if any of you are backing up influxdb by just backing up the folder mentioned by @rlkoshak Rich (Usually its /var/lib/influxdb). Something tells me it is probably not a good idea, but I thought I’d check.
As I could not find the public location of the source, I am asking here. My
openhab-cli backup (or /usr/share/openhab2/runtime/bin/backup) does actually not produce a file , I think due to a bug towards the end of the file.
a) is this known?
b) where is the right place to provide a pull req ?
I need to move from one VM to another.
The original VM is Debian 32 bit with latest openHABian (OH2), and I would like to move to Debian 64 bit (as Grafana 32 bit is not supported).
Do I need to install java 32 bit? is sudo openhab-cli backup/restore the right way, considering I’ve also a lot of zwave devices (xml files to be moved as well)?
Though if the new VM will be running the same OH version, you can just copy over /etc/openhab2 and /var/lib/openhab2 to the new VM and you will have everything.
Uhh, now while not completely wrong, that’s a somewhat dangerous statement.
A typical openHABian setup consists of more than just plain OH and it’s config files: mosquitto, NGINX, …
Take heed of Markus’s posting though. Copying the etc and var/lib folder only addresses OH’s configuration. Any custom configuration you have done with any services installed by openHABian needs to be backed up and moved over as well.