Remove a ghost Z-Wave Node from HABmin

Yes - feel free to raise an enhancement issue on this.


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Perhaps a device that does not wake up or send traffic within some large multiple of its wake-up period, or small multiple of the max wake-up period if it is set? I have a few of these too. I try to just ignore them

The issue is that it’s only the controller that moves devices into the failed list - not openHAB… I believe there’s a command to manually force devices into the list, but I’ve not tried to add/test it yet.

Put the stick to a windows pc. There you can use the tools ZTools or ZenSYS-Tools to delete the device.

Nice. Thanks for pointing to those software (escpecially Zensys). Helped me and I could remove dead nodes. But that wasn’t straight forward. I had to play a bit with NOP etc. to remove them. But worked in the and.

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For those of you trying to remove a node using zensys tool here are the steps required:

  1. Highlight the node you believe has failed from the top left frame’s node list/table
  2. Toggle the “Quene Overrided” checkbox for this selected node (a check should appear)
  3. Send a NOP (i.e. no operation) command by selecting the exclamation mark from the tools menu
  4. Check to see if the node is failed by selecting the “is node failed” icon from the tools menu. If it has failed, you should see a message stating it has failed in the lower right frame (i.e. log actions tab)
  5. Select the “remove failed” icon from the tools menu
    Note: If uncertain which icon from the tools menu corresponds to a particular action, hoover your mouse over each to receive a “tool tip” message specifying the corresponding action.

This is a brilliant set of steps - thank you @ellisbjohns

I had a couple of items were removing the failed node itself failed. However you can replace failed nodes with a random other device, and this worked fine - I could then delete the random device as normal.

So I now have no more weird ghost nodes, and a faster startup.

Hi @chris, could you make some progress on removing dead berrery devices. Again I have a device not functioning properly and would to permanently remove with from the controller. I used the advanced tools, but after removing it and deleting the thing it re-appears on a new scan. Now I have 4 of them on the controller from previous tests…and want to get rid of them

I don’t have Windows, so the suggested tools are not suitable.

I’ve run the Aeotec zwave tools successfully on a vmware virtual windows box on my mac, if that’s any help. That removes dead notes easily.

I have VM ware, but no suitable Windows Image, so…

But in any case it shows that it is possible, so @chris might find a trick to fix that issue. :wink:

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yes - backing up and killing dead nodes directly from openhab would be fantastic…

You may accelerate it:

Dear Ellis!

Thanks for the “manual” - do you know what step 1 does/means technically seen?


Truthfully, I’m not exactly sure as I wrote these instructions about a year ago. One thing I have noticed is that openhab’s zwave binding doesn’t always reflect the true state of the node when compared with the z-stick controller’s node state (i.e. eprom). This often leads to inconsistencies that have to be addressed using a third party tool which directly changes the z-sticks internal node status (e.g. Zensys). The combo of Zensys and Chris Jackson’s binding have allowed me to accomplish a ton of zwave reconfigurations over the past year, but either tool alone has not been sufficient. Step #1 likely allows you to delete a node which the z-wave binding believes to be dead/failed but the node still has an active entry in the zstick’s eprom (i.e. it was never truly deleted by the bindings api calls to the zstick). Hope this helps.

I think this is very unlikely. The binding reads the list of nodes directly from the controller (ie eprom) so it will be consistent.

I think what you are talking about is removal of devices that appear in the OH list, but can’t be removed - I think this is a bit different…

Yeah…What Chris said :slight_smile:

hey @ellisbjohns
I havent tried the zensys tool yet (link not working atm).
Do you know if this tool has a option to change the state from FAILED to OK ?
I have some nodes that acutally work but the controller lists them as failed and therfore openhab reads them as offline


No - this isn’t possible. Only the controller can do this.

I think I finally found a way to also delete nodes that are not marked as dead by the controller. I also used the Zensys tool, but instead of using the “Remove Failed” function I used the “Replace Failed” function. (to the left of the remove function)

Simply click on the node you like to remove, start the function and put any Z-Wave device in inclusion mode. (I used a switch I don’t use at the moment) After a few seconds the progressbar disappears and the node is put to the end of the list. Now the node is replaced with my switch and I can simply put the controller and the switch into remove mode and the node is gone!

I tried this with 3 nodes that I had for a long time on my controller and it worked on all of them.

@chris Maybe you could implement this replace function into your addon so we don’t always have to unplug the Z-Stick?

Me too. Meanwhile I have eleven of them.

My z-Wave-Controller is a raZberry-Board on Raspberry Pi3. So no usb-stick that I can put somewhere.
Is there such a tool available that can be installed on a RPi3?

To me it feels like those failed or dead devices slow down my system because the controller constantly tries to connect to them. That’s the reason I would like to get rid of them.
@chris Is that right? If not, I also would ignore them.

By the way: I use PaperUI to include and rename z-wave-devices. And HABmin to configure the z-wave-devices.
@chris Would you recommend, NOT to use PaperUI? Should I do everything with HABmin instead? Could this in general prevent some problems?

Thanks a lot!