Report Shelly Status over MQTT periodically every minute incl. IP Address

When using the original Shelly firmware for Shelly Gen2 and Gen3 devices you may want to add a Shelly script which reports the complete Shelly status including current IP address once per minute over MQTT. The script that does this is the following:

let ipAddress = null;

function handleGetStatusResponse(result) {
  ipAddress = result;

function publishIpAddress() {
  let status = {
    operational: true
  };"Shelly.GetStatus", null, handleGetStatusResponse);
  if (ipAddress !== null) {
    MQTT.publish("bridge/fabde/wifi/m27ttxofficelightswitch/deviceinfo", JSON.stringify(ipAddress), 0, false);
    MQTT.publish("bridge/fabde/wifi/m27ttxofficelightswitch/heartbeat", JSON.stringify(status), 0, false);

let notifyTimer = Timer.set(
   function() {
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