I’m working on a binding, but I have no clue about writing good quality code in java (is it even possible? ). I know enough about programming in different languages to make it work, but is there any chance to kindly ask for a code review when it’s ready for use? I feel like I’m doing something weird in every second line of code, but I still remember manually coding machine code for ZX81 and I had machine code punch cards in my hands.
The code (dirty, do not try to read it yet) is here: bundles/org.openhab.binding.mhiaircon · mhi · Przemo Firszt / mhiaircon · GitLab
I can’t help you myself (I’m not a programmer), but I moved your post into the Development → Add-ons category.
The Beginners category is for people who are just starting to build their OH systems (or have questions of that nature).
Thank you! I treat myself as a beginner, but it happened I need to write a binding
I’m a beginner working a bit on a binding. When you compile are you getting a summary_report in the target directory? Lots of the coding rules preferred by OH developers pop up as level 2, or 3 issues. (It won’t compile with level 1). I used that as a starting point.
After fixing compiler warnings a PR is very welcome and our maintainers will review the code.
As @hmerk has said, any submitted code will undergo a dynamic review process with OH coding experts before it is merged into an OH official release.