Revival of Official Bluetooth Binding

So I finally found the time to do some testing with 2.5.3 Snapshot (Build 64) tonight.
Result: Great! Blukii binding works for the first time ever and shows all the data from battery, temperature, etc:

I really appreciate your work, thanks a lot! Now I see a future and stop crying for the 3rd party bluetooth binding. :+1:

how can i test the binding?I am running openhabian 2.5.2 @ Rpi3

The easiest way would be to wait a week or so for the 2.5.3 release and then just upgrade to it. The release will have the latest version of the bluetooth binding you can just install through paperUI.

If you canā€™t wait that long then you download the 2.5.3 snapshots by following these instructions

i upgraded to 2.5.3 ,installed bluetooth binding 2.5.3 snapshot but i think something is wrong with my system.I get nothing at my PaperUi inbox.If i install the 3rd party market binding + tinyb binding i get a bluez bluetooth adapter and then i can scan for bluetooth devices.When i add a bluez adapter manually ,i set the right bt mac of my Rpi at binding settings ,and when i add the thing i get

Status: UNINITIALIZED - HANDLER_INITIALIZING_ERROR BlueZ JNI connection cannot be established.

fix itā€¦like this

sudo cp lib* /opt/jdk/zulu8.40.0.178-ca-jdk1.8.0_222-linux_aarch32hf/jre/lib/aarch32/
sudo apt purge bluez
sudo dpkg -i bluez_5.43-2+rpt2+deb9u2_armhf.deb
sudo apt-get install pi-bluetooth
sudo usermod -a -G bluetooth openhab
sudo reboot

now the adapter is online and i get several bluetooth devices at inboxā€¦Still i cant see devices thing channels like i did with 3rd party binding ,for example for my MiKettle i only get RSSI channel.

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The official bluetooth binding doesnā€™t currently have the full functionality that the 3rd party binding does, so you wonā€™t see channels other than RSSI and maybe a battery channel. Iā€™m working on it though!

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many thnx mate.

Is this still relevant, from the official Bluetooth binding here:

ā€œPlease note that at least BlueZ 5.43 is required, while 5.48 or above are not (yet) supported either.ā€

Or will busters 5.5 default version work with the pi 4?

And any other install it requirement oddities with your fixes? Or a link would suffice.

Thanks for what youā€™re doing!

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From what I remember, the reason that the older versions were recommended is because the newer ones chose to hide certain gatt characteristics (battery level iirc) from getting queried the traditional way. Due to that the older BlueZ versions are considered a more faithful implementation of the bluetooth stack.

It might also be that tinyb does not work with the newer version anyway but I donā€™t know myself since I never bothered trying the newer version first.

Feel free to give it a shot and let us know how it goes!

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I guess what Iā€™m asking is, what version BlueZ do you have, that you know works?
(Revealed via: bluetoothctl -v )

Iā€™m currently using dbus and bluez v5.47. But Iā€™ve also had my setup use dbus v5.5 and bluez v5.47, more or less on accident, it actually worked fine but I reverted back in order to try and fix an issue that ultimately wasnā€™t caused by the newer version at all.

Holy crap 2 days later I got it to work with this! More specifically though, I updated to the latest snapshot, did this fix, and added the thing below and am now seeing my Bluetooth adapter show up in PaperUI. It did automatically discover bluetooth devices so thatā€™s a great sign. (Iā€™m only trying to get bluetooth people presence functionality.) Iā€™ll try playing around with getting the presence to work next, and report back. But anyone have any existing guides for next steps?


Bridge bluetooth:bluez:hci0 "BluetoothAdapter" [ address="DC:00:00:00:00:00", discovery=false ]

BTW I have ā€œopenhab-distro: 2.5.4-snapshot, build #73ā€. Iā€™m still pretty new to openhab, and especially snapshots so hope I did this right. And Iā€™m hoping this shapshot/build has your latest Binding fixes.


Do you happen to have a URL with a changelog for your specific updates? Settings, etc? Or anything that could be helpful? Iā€™m assuming the existing documentation is out of date, or especially not relevant to this snapshot. Thanks!

I donā€™t really have any meaningful URL I can point your towards since at this moment the bluetooth binding is rather bare of features since most of my work up until this point has just been fixing bugs. Right now the binding is stable and robust, but the extensions the only real useful aspect of the binding ATM. The generic beacon binding might be enough for you to work with if you get creative with rules.

But fret not! I have a PR in the works that will allow bluetooth device location to be tracked if you have multiple bluetooth adapters. It is the first of many feature enhancements that I have in mind.

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This is my first time using this. Again, Iā€™m hoping to use this just for presence detection.

That said, I was able to search for things in the PaperUI Inbox, and added my phone as a Thing. My phone then showed ONLINE. Then I turned bluetooth on my phone off for a minute, then back on. PaperUI never showed it as ONLINE since. Its been a couple hours. I restarted my phone, still never showed up as ONLINE.

What are the expectations of this binding, and as I indicated above my snapshot (am I even using your recent updates?!?), should what Iā€™m trying to do show my phone as ONLINE a few minutes later? Or am I supposed to do something else? Or am I doing this all wrong?.. Or did I find a bug?


Presence detection wonā€™t work for phones since they randomly generate their mac address and change it every couple of minutes or so.
Phones do this for security reasons so I canā€™t complain about it. Just turning on bluetooth wonā€™t work for presence detection but I think there are apps you can download that make you phone act like a bluetooth beacon though.

donā€™t count on Paper UI for this type of testingā€¦ look at the logs duh

WiFi presence detection with ARP ping works pretty well, and might have better range in your house than Bluetooth.

Many of us donā€™t trust in a single device for presence detection, as itā€™s not 100% reliable. But it can be fine depending on your use case.

Good news, I just finished writing my first draft of the roaming bluetooth device feature which allows a device to be tracked across multiple bluetooth adapters and keep track of which adapter it is closest to.
I need volunteers to be guinea pigs for testing since I lack any bluetooth beacons to test with, and the outbreak has made it difficult to obtain them.

This feature should mimic the feature from the 3rd party bluetooth binding. The only difference is that you need to add a Roaming Bluetooth Adapter thing which will appear in the inbox in order to activate the feature. This new adapter will act as a virtual bridge for bluetooth devices. So when devices are discovered you need to pick the discovered device for the roaming adapter.

To test this feature you need to uninstall the official bluetooth binding and upload these jars to the addons directory:


For Bluez users:

For bluegiga users:

Happy testing!
If nothing works let me know, I probably goofed.

Sorry I wasnā€™t clear; I was looking at both the logs & PaperUI.