RFXCom binding does not decode TEMPERATURE_RAIN (Alecto WS-1200) message

Have to apologize:

I did some hex decoding of the raw message. This give the 95.1 degree as well. So I plugged the RFXTRX into a windows box and let RFXmgr decode the transmissions:

Packettype    = TEMP_RAIN
subtype       = TR1 - WS1200
Sequence nbr  = 11
ID            = 61441
Temperature   = 7,4 °C
Total rain    = 95,1 mm
Signal level  = 5  -80dBi
Battery       = OK

Exactly, what the binding decodes. So sorry for the noise!
If @flagg 's rfxcom decodes exactly what’s on the display it could be in my rfxcom transceiver itself.
Newer noticed this difference between display and openhab before.
I’m going to check, if there’s a newer rfxtrx firmware than mine…

So @martinvw many thanks for your effort and sorry again!

@Curlyel: 2 days ago I have flashed the rfxcom 1014 firmware. I just noticed the 1015 Firmware is published as well…

@martinvw: Thank you very much! I really enjoy Openhab, but I missed this sensor for automating on rain and temp occurences

In my experience the makers of the rfxcom are quick in responding so you might be able to get some help from them / him?

I will create a pull request for the addition.

I changed the rounding of the displayed value, can you try once more :slight_smile:


According to the SDK the temperatureRain sensor does not support a rainrate

Flashed now the release 1015. Still the same inconsistent results…

Mmh. But what if the values the sensor is sending are not the values displayed at the indoor unit?
So I pulled out the batteries out of the display and put them in again.

Guess what: The display is showing RainTotal=0,0mm. Obviously the WS1200 shows the difference between the initial counter at batterie change and the current as “rain total” and not the value the outdoor unit is sending.

So you will see the same behaviour as me when you change the batteries of the outdoor unit and the display not at the same time…

I prefer to have another pull request merged first, I based this branch on that branch/pull-request. So you are also testing that PR: https://github.com/openhab/openhab2-addons/pull/1817

Are you helped for now or is merging the branch essential for you? I expect that the other PR could be merged in a few weeks its quite a tough pull-request :slight_smile:

I’m absolutely happy with the .jar you’ve provided. Not neccessary for me to get the branch merged at the moment.
Many thanks for your help!

I am also very happy with the provided Jar. I can understand that it will take some time to put in into the merged branch…
@Curlyel: It is true that I switched the batteries of both the sensor and the indoor unit at the same time. That explains why there is no difference at my site…

Hooray, its already merged if I have time tonight I create the PR for this in the first half of this week :slight_smile:

And the PR has been created

Thanks Martin for the swift and thorough work you did!