RFXCOM Cheap PIR Sensor Binding in Openhab2

I changed it to that new style. This is where I am now.

09:39:48.214 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemCommandEvent    ] - Item 'Switch_C' received command OFF
09:39:48.219 [INFO ] [ome.core.thing.internal.ThingManager] - Not delegating command 'OFF' for item 'Switch_C' to handler for channel 'rfxcom:lighting4:238adf67:17733:command', because handler is not initialized (thing must be in status UNKNOWN, ONLINE or OFFLINE).
09:39:48.221 [INFO ] [ome.core.thing.internal.ThingManager] - Not delegating update 'OFF' for item 'Switch_C' to handler for channel 'rfxcom:lighting4:238adf67:17733:command', because handler is not initialized (thing must be in status UNKNOWN, ONLINE or OFFLINE).

When I press the original remote:

09:40:06.521 [DEBUG] [g.rfxcom.handler.RFXComBridgeHandler] - Message received: Raw data = 09130000044551013970, Packet type = LIGHTING4, Seq number = 0, Sub type = PT2262, Device Id = 17493, Command = ON_1(1), Pulse = 313
09:40:06.522 [WARN ] [mon.registry.AbstractManagedProvider] - Could not update element with key rfxcom:lighting4:238adf67:17493 in ManagedThingProvider, because it does not exists.

My config now:

Bridge rfxcom:bridge:238adf67 [ serialPort="COM3" ] {
	Thing lighting4 17493 [deviceId="17493", subType="PT2262"]
	Thing lighting4 17685 [deviceId="17685", subType="PT2262"]
    Thing lighting4 17733 [deviceId="17733", subType="PT2262"]
    Thing lighting4 17745 [deviceId="17745", subType="PT2262"]


Switch Switch_A { channel="rfxcom:lighting4:238adf67:17493:command" }
Switch Switch_B { channel="rfxcom:lighting4:238adf67:17685:command" }
Switch Switch_C { channel="rfxcom:lighting4:238adf67:17733:command" }
Switch Switch_D { channel="rfxcom:lighting4:238adf67:17745:command" }