Risco local binding [4.1.0;5.0.0)

Hi @Sim,

yes it is possible.
For Zones you can Bypass and Un-Bypass.
For Partitions you can Arm, Home Stay and Disarm.

For example, on the below screenshot from my phone, you can see the Bypass Toggle on the UI.

It is also possible to execute the actions from a rule.
Unfortunately i cannot give more information right now. Summer … Vacation time.

My plan is to wrap up the documentation and submit a PR for the binding sometime start of October.

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Hi Joshua,

Very nice job! I have been using the binding for around six months. It is very reliable. My only issue is that I cannot arm/disarm the partition, but I can omit zones.

Bridge risco:bridge:lightsys “Risco Alarm Panel” [
password= “5678”,
encoding= “UTF-8”,
connectionDelay=10000] {
//Thing system panel “Main Panel”
Thing partition p1 “Partition 1 Main House” [partitionNumber=1]

Switch p1Alarm “Main House Alarm” (Partition) {channel=“risco:partition:lightsys:p1:alarm”}
//Switch p1Duress (Partition) {channel=“risco:partition:lightsys:p1:duress”}
//Switch p1FalseCode (Partition) {channel=“risco:partition:lightsys:p1:false-code”}
Switch p1Fire “Main House Fire” (Partition) {channel=“risco:partition:lightsys:p1:fire”}
Switch p1Arm “Main House Armed/Disarmed” (Partition) {channel=“risco:partition:lightsys:p1:arm”}

Hello @Theofylaktos_Pieri, @Sim, @stamate_viorel,

i had a look at the code in github.
One of the last things i did add to the binding was the definition of an user index in the partition configuration. The binding retrieves the pin of this user index and checks it against the passed pin on the arm, disarm, and stay actions.
That’s the reason why the arm/disarm is not working from the UI.
These channels will be marked as readonly in the next binding revision.

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