Roku Binding - Example of starting an application

Does anybody know the syntax to start the YouTube application from the Roku binding? There are no examples of rules on the documentation.

Am I sending a value to this item?

activeApp String A dropdown containing a list of all apps installed on the Roku. The app currently running is automatically selected. The list updates every 10 minutes.

Roku - Bindings | openHAB

Best, Jay

You can either select the app to start from the list of state options on the activeApp channel or send the string id of the app you want to start to the activeApp channel directly. The id for YouTube is 837. You can see the list of all installed apps and their ids at http://$ROKU_IP:8060/query/apps

Using rules, the syntax would look like this:

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It is also possible to launch specific content within an app via deep-linking.
See here for more details:
“Frozen” Buttons: Launching Disney+ Movies on Roku with Automator –

// Command to start 'Frozen' on Disney+:

// Command to start 'Me at the zoo' on YouTube:

I will add these examples to the binding documentation.

Do you know the comand to restart the roku?

Would like to schedule a reboot of all of mine on a monthly basis.

Best, Jay

I don’t know of such a command. I previously tried creating shortcuts to access the secret screen menus by scripting out the button press sequences (think of the Konami code). The reset menu was one of three that was accessible by doing this so it may be possible to chain enough commands together to accomplish a reset. The sequence of buttons to access the reset menu is Home, Home, Home, Home, Home, Fwd, Fwd, Fwd, Rev, Rev.

Edit: The reset menu does not have a reboot option. The reboot menu was not accessible by sending ECP commands.