Roomba's lights do not turn off when IRobot Bingding is used

Hi all,

I upgraded to openHAB3 today and I am lovin it.

With that upgrade, I started to use the IRobot Binding.
Works really well and I was able to control my Roomba 671.

But there is one problem: Roomba’s green lights do not turn off, when he is back at his base :frowning:
They stay constantly on, till I uninstall the Binding.

Any ideas how to handle this?


Hi all,

I found a solution by myself:

The lights are on, as long as openHAB holds a connection to the IRobot.
(when you use the IRobot App, it is the same case).

Disabeling the “IRobot” Thing helps, and the lights switch off a few seconds after disabeling.
Sadly, disabeling an Item is only possible via an API-call.
Thus I added this code to my rule, when the Robot should be enabled for cleaning:
sendHttpPutRequest("http://user:password@openhabianpi:8080/rest/things/irobot:roomba:192_168_178_45/enable", "application/json", 'true')

After the rule execution I do send a false value with the same HttpPutRequest and everything is fine :slight_smile:


Hi, is there any other option for solve this “issue”?

@fwolter Fabian are you the owner of this Binding?

thanks for your support


No, I’m not the owner of this binding.

thank you, and sorry for the mistake. Where is the list of the owners per binding? I’m not able to find the right owner of this :frowning:

Any clue?