Rrd4j.cfg persistence configuration does not apply to manually created items

Hi, I have changed the rrd4j.cfg to this:

that removes 2 archives in the persistence but gives me a lot more 15second data and also up to 15 years worth of 15min data and only increases the database by 10 times (7,7MB per item).

But even though I have stopped openHab and deleted all rrd files, not all items use the new config.
What confuses me the most is, when I create a new item manually, it is still using the old configuration.

Where else could that config be stored? have searched and grepped my entire system and couldnt find any other config.

ok another issue… Openhab is not even displaying the higher granularity of the data. Even the items that have the bigger database are still being displayed in the graph with the old settings.

Looks like noone ever tried to change the default settings and there are hardcoded inside RRD4J ?