

I’m about migration from V1 to V2. Now I’m stuck with rrd4j. No matter how I install the service (text file, paper ui, karaf) it will be uninstalled automatically during the next system startup. Why?

Thank you for your help

Not sure if this help, but the file addons.cfg (in folder services) contains a line:

# A comma-separated list of persistence services to install (e.g. "rrd4j,jpa")
#persistence = 

If the second line is not commented out (i.e., if hash sign is removed), it will overwrite everything; so check your spelling carefully if you use this file. If you uncommented this line, misspelled something or did not add it, OH2 will uninstall rrd4j (every time you modify the files and save it, OH2 will go through it and configure your system exactly as defined in this file, all PaperUI installation will get lost). In case of a restart, all setting in this file will overwrite whatever you did in PaperUI. This applies to all uncommented lines in the file addons.cfg
it may be much easier to use exclusively PaperUI
Hope that helps

Thank you. I double checked my cfg files and…openhab2 is very finical for the syntax. The reason was that I had enclosed the parameters in quotes.

# A comma-separated list of persistence services to install (e.g. "rrd4j,jpa")
persistence = "rrd4j"

I changed it to:

# A comma-separated list of persistence services to install (e.g. "rrd4j,jpa")
persistence = rrd4j

and now everything works as expected.