Ruggedized server HW for wide range of ambient temperatures

I may be a bit in the minority here, but I am firmly and strongly of the opinion that openHAB is not suitable as an industrial control system. You want a real time system with built in fail safes and a far greater degree of consistency of operation and reliability than the openHAB’s parallel architecture can ever hope to support.

For example, if two events occur in openHAB close enough together (let’s say 20 msec apart but the actual number of msecs will depend on your hardware) there is no guarantee that those events will be processed in order. Also review (OH 1.x and OH 2.x Rules DSL only] Why have my Rules stopped running? Why Thread::sleep is a bad idea for further adventures in multi-threading problems in openHAB.

So from that alone I recommend against using OH in the first place. You need to be looking elsewhere, especially if you are looking to control or monitor systems that could cost money, damage, injury or death.

From the FAQ:

The Raspberry Pi is built from commercial chips which are qualified to different temperature ranges; the LAN9514 (LAN9512 on older models with 2 USB ports) is specified by the manufacturers as being qualified from 0°C to 70°C, while the SoC is qualified from -40°C to 85°C. You may well find that the board will work outside those temperatures, but we’re not qualifying the board itself to these extremes.

-20°C is pretty far beyond the LAN9514 chip’s operating range.

It may work but RPi won’t certify it. And for an industrial application, may is not good enough. They need to know that it will work in those ranges.