Rule for turning lights on not working - Help

Or from the Karaf console do log:set DEBUG org.openhab.binding.zwave also can replace DEBUG with TRACE for more info.
I noticed several devices on the zwave addon doc use command=sensor_binary. Here’s a copy of an item.

Dimmer Light_Corridor_Dimmer "Hallway Dimmer [%d %%]" (GF_Corridor) {zwave="6"}
Contact Door_Corridor_Switch "Front door sensor [MAP(]" (GF_Corridor) {zwave="21:command=sensor_binary,respond_to_basic=true"} 
Number Door_Corridor_Battery "Front door sensor battery level [%d %%]" (GF_Corridor) { zwave="21:command=battery" }


Wish I could help more, good luck

I would make the first set <= and the second one was the issue so make it ==

I assumed you would know why a single = is wrong as you used double later on in your other rule. Google what the meaning of single double and tripple = is.


They all have different meanings as do the versions with < replacing one. Sliders hold a PERCENT TYPE value from memory not an INT.

Also I can confirm this line works for me setting slider/dimmers in my rules. You can send an INT but internally the value is stored as percent type.


Here is a link I use when I can’t remember what each operator reference is.

Its on my bookmark toolbar :grinning:

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